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Plano Mambo; A Special Hair Poem Written For Karen &


I subscribe to several private email lists related to hair. On one of the long hair lists there is a very talented writer, poet and historian by the name of Dana.

Many months ago he wrote a great poem specifically dedicated to me and the Hair Boutique. Dana gave me special permission to publish his great poem for all of our Hair Boutique visitors. Thank you Dana. The Hair Boutique and I am very honored.


Let me tell you about this gal named Karen. (Ain't talkin' 'bout your Sallies, and I don't mean Sharon.) She lives somewhere down there 'round Dallas, And has started this sort of tonturial palace.

She and Jim B had a falling out (Never quite figured out what that was all about). So, she turned around with a guy named Jeff, Got this site started up. (He's her electronic chef.)

The name that it goes by is "The Hair Boutique," And let me tell you this place is really unique. Looking for some chat? Advice about a wig? By golly, these folks down in Texas think big!

I can't think of nothin' thats related to hair, If you look long enough, that you won't find there. Karen's got advice on all the latest shampoos: She's checked them all out. She's got book reviews.

Combs, brushes, dryers. These folks know it all. In despair about your hair? Just give them a call. Lookin' for a new style? Your hair falling out? Karen can tell you what it's all about.

Does this gal never sleep? Has she a magic wand? Never sent a message that she didn't respond. So, I end my tale the way I begun: In distresses 'bout your tresses? Get the "hired gun!"

Copyright by Dana. All rights reserved.

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