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Scarlett Johansson Hair Color Secrets


Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson (ScarJo) looked spectacular with rich sultry cocoa colored hair in the film Iron Man 2.

She has cut it into a variety of styles over the years including even a brief mullet, but it’s been a while since the beauty has been a non-blonde.

When Scarlett appeared on Ellen to promote the film's opening one of Scarlett's fight scenes was shown to the audience. Her chocolate tresses were coiffed in loose Botticelli curls which bounced appropriately into place after she finished kicking the bad guy to the curb.

Ellen told Scarlett "we were all very impressed by that fighting" and Scarlett said "as was I". When asked what kind of martial arts the actress deployed in the film she replied "that's like a kick ass form of martial arts - yeah, something like that."

Scarlett Johansson

She acknowledge she had never trained before and as a result "spent many many months failing a lot". Scarlett also freely admitted she did the fight scenes in Iron Man 2 "herself and with this incredible gymnast and stunt woman named Heidi Moneymaker."

The always gorgeous actress said she and Heidi "basically shadowed each other for five months and worked together to create a "seamless person" and it was "intense" but if you foolishly believe you can do it, then you do it and then you capture it on film and then you never have to do it again." Scarlett acknowledged for some things you have to work with the pros.

Most Beautiful

Which is exactly how Scarlett, recently named one of the most beautiful people in People Magazine's Most Beautiful issue, achieves her never ending array of head turning hair hues ranging from her trademark baby blonde to the range of other colors she's showcased.

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett also landed a place among the world’s most beautiful women. The Vicky Cristina Barcelona star was ranked #6 in a poll, carried out by television shopping channel QVC.

Audrey Hepburn topped the survey followed by Cheryl Cole, iconic blonde Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie and Grace Kelly. It's no surprise Scarlett included with that list of lofty beauties.

Celebrity Hair Color Guru

To achieve her eye popping hair hues Scarlett turns to celebrity hair pro Lorri Goddard-Clark who also creates the amazing color for Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston.

Although at times for various movie roles Scarlett has to transition to extreme hues, Lorri recommends keeping your hair color with a range of two shades lighter or darker. Her recommendation is based upon the guarantee that your hair won't fade out or wash away your natural beauty when it's too drastic.

Scarlett Johansson

Of course for her dark chocolate brown Iron Man 2 color palette, Scarlett had the assistance of on-set make-up pros to redo her entire make-up palette to guarantee a perfect dark hair transition.

Although a secretive Scorpio, Scarlett is not shy about pushing the hair color, hairstyle and fashion envelopes. Sometimes she'll wear dramatic bold makeup and at other times will go completely sans makeup.

When asked by People Magazine what makes her feel pretty Scarlett said red lipstick and sandwiches.

Going Red Out Of Boredom

In the past when Scarlett Johansson has revealed she dyed her hair red dark because she was bored.

The natural blonde went red as she explained because "I was bored one day. It was raining and I was with a hairdresser friend and we just decided to color my hair. We experimented with a few shades until we got the right one. I like it."

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett's Favorite Haircolor Is Golden Blonde

Scarlett has admitted she loves her original golden tresses as it reminds her of Hollywood screen sirens.

Scarlett has said "For a long time I've had really white-blonde hair. I'm naturally blonde - my dad is Danish - and I was playing up to it. I wanted to act out all those famous blonde icons - Lauren Bacall, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe.

Idea Of Glamour

"Ever since I started on the red carpet, my idea of glamour was the Golden Age of Hollywood. I like to be feminine and give people what they want. The hair, the make-up, the gown, the diamonds. That, to me, is glamour."

Scarlett Johansson


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Original Publication Date: 05/06/10 - Revised Date: 10/26/10

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