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Alex O'Loughlin Moonlights As Dangerious Serial Killer

When sexy hot Alex O'Loughlin's vampire mystery Moonlight was canceled nine months ago the fans were devastated.  The show was as much a victim of the writer's strike as anything.  The show just didn't have enough time to win over a strong audience.

(Image of Alex O'Loughlin From Moonlight - CBS - All Rights Reserved).

The powers to be at CBS recognized Alex has sizzle power and signed him to a one year development deal which would allow CBS to create a new show for the hunk.  In the meantime, why not kill two birds with one stone and have Alex star on another CBS series while waiting for his own vehicle?

Inside sources recently confirmed Alex O'Loughlin is definitely returning to CBS in an upcoming episode of the successful and long running Criminal Minds.   The episode, scheduled to air in April of 2009 will track a case from the POV of a serial killer, played by Alex.

At press tour last month, CBS president Nina Tassler -- who signed the Aussie hunk to a development deal in August -- hinted that we may see him back on the network "soon" in a new project.

CBS was smart to hang onto Aussie Alex.  Think about all the success the Mentalist has had with another sexy Aussie - Simon Baker?  Since several spin off shows are in the works, why not spin off Alex in a successful property.

One thing which has always seemed odd to me is the fact that Moonlight didn't soar.  Afterall, most vampire shows do extremely well.  Just look at Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Twilight and Angel.  See my point?

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