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Joan Rivers Is A Hotel Whore

Yes, I admit it, I watch The Celebrity Apprentice on NBC.  In fact, I am a long time Apprentice watcher, Celebrity and non-Celebrity.  Whether you love The Donald (Donald Trump) or not you have to consider that fact he puts on a good reality TV show.  Yes, it is a little unrealistic at times but it is always entertaining.

I am really enjoying the current season of The Celebrity Apprentice.  I am a huge fan of Joan Rivers and have heard a lot of insider info on Melissa Rivers.  I have heard that Joan is a huge heart and Melissa is very hard working and professional.

(Image of Joan Rivers - Celebrity Apprentice - - 2009 - All Rights Reserved).

It's interesting they are both on the Celebrity Apprentice together but it makes for good TV.  I am personally rooting for Joan and Melissa.  Actually, I like all of the women although I am less familiar with some of the celebs than others.

The most recent episode (Sunday, March 29, 2009) of The Celebrity Apprentice involved the two teams running a hotel within the Manhattan's Loews Regency Hotel.  The women were again competing against the men.

A Hotel Whore

Joan has been fabulous on all the tasks so far.  She is such a trooper and hard worker.  She is willing to take one for the team and do whatever it takes to win whether it means hawking wedding gowns, giving a presentation to promote a new video phone or acting as a concierge for the hotel.

(Image of NBC's The Celebrity Apprentice - NBC - All Rights Reserved - 2009)

When she was talking to her team members about how they should treat the guests in their mini hotel she reminded everyone that she travels a lot.  She also said "I am a hotel whore" and proceeded to explain she loved hotels where they gave her free stuff.  Good point.  I agree.

Dennis Rodman Is A Loose Cannon

Joan also weighed in on Dennis Rodman.  She said she didn't think she would like him before the show but once she got to know him she said "I adore Dennis but he is totally a loose cannon."

Celebrity Guest Stephen Baldwin

Joan and the women's team had actor Stephen Baldwin check in.  Joan acknowledged that "when you get a celebrity you really need to treat them like a celebrity."  She pointed out you have to go the extra mile for a celebrity.

tephen put Joan and the women's team to the test.  He checked into his room, opened the windows and said he was unhappy because he did not have a view of Park Avenue.

The actor called Joan and said "Joan I want you to look out my window and tell me if I should stay here."

Joan did a quick sidestep and told Stephen  she knew about his view and it was a New York City hotel view.  She wisely and charmingly pointed out his room was not about the view, but about privacy and not being annoyed by people.  I think a star like you might like the privacy.

(Image of Celebrity Apprentice - Women's Team - 2009 - - All Rights Reserved).

Stephen told Joan he would reconsider but he told the camera he still did not like the view.

Joan Loved The Challenge Of Being Concierge

Joan told the camera "every time the phone rang it was something different."  She said she "loved the challenges and how it had to be done snap, snap, snap."  Joan was amazing.  She made restaurant reservations, she even got some of her guests into a peep show offering them two different options.  It was hilarious.  She was polite, charming, efficient and funny.  Typical Joan Rivers.

She told the camera "I'm a damn good concierge.  You'd think they tip me."  Apparently she got "nada" for tips.  Joan continued to be .  She was focused, she called in favors all over time and made it happen for her guests.  She even got Stephen Baldwin difficult to arrange restaurant reservations.

Stephen Baldwin came back from the theater and was upset about the cover charge and theater fees.  As Joan explained it "when he got the check he want ballastic."

(Image of Celebrity Apprentice - Joan Rivers - 2009 - - All Rights Reserved).

Joan took responsibility, she said it was her fault for not covering the charges with Stephen before he left for the theater.  She told Stephen she was sorry and said "as an employee of the hotel let me see if we can find a special discount or have it comped."

Afterall, that is what a good hotel concierge would attempt to do, especially if the problem was their fault to begin with.

Vincent Pastore

Vincent Pastore was the celebrity who checked into the men's side of the hotel.  He was outrageous and actually more of a challenge than Stephen Baldwin.  He wanted all sorts of special requests such as canolis from a very specific bakery and special restaurant reservations.  He was not able to get what he wanted in some way.

Women's Team Kicked The Men's Team Rear

While the women's team did lots of great things for their guests including walking guest's dogs and arranging peep shows,  the men's team lead by Dennis Rodman were an absolute disaster.  They struggled with simple tasks.  Meanwhile Dennis got drunk and talked to the guests in his section about great strip clubs.   Brian McKnight, ''He speaks in a language that not all of us understand.''  The women won, the men lost and yes, Dennis got the boot when his team lost.

In my humble opinion I think the women kicked the men's butt more so on this task then the previous ones.  I was impressed with all the celebrity women rolling their sleeves up and cleaning rooms, picking up doggide doo-doo and serving breakfast.

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