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Cheryl Hines Juggles Reptiles, Larry David And New TV Show

The vivacious blonde tressed Cheryl Hines was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel a few weeks ago before the Premiere of her new show on ABC which is appropriately titled "In The Motherhood".

Jimmy noted Cheryl had been on "Curb Your Enthusiasm" for six seasons.

(Image of Cheryl Hines on ABC "In The Motherhood" - - All Rights Reserved).

When Cheryl entered the stage she looked gorgeous wearing a form fitting black dress with a red satin top.  Her hair was styled sleek and straight

Jimmy told her she looked fabulous and she really did.  But doesn't she always?

Seriously, this actress always looks like the girl next door you just want to hang out with at Starbucks.  Plus she's so funny you just know you would have a great time chatting with her.

Life Imitates Motherhood Art

Cheryl was visiting Jimmy's late night talk show to promote her new ABC TV show.   When Jimmy asked about her new show, The Motherhood, she said "it's a funny look at parenthood."

The actress also chatted about being a mother in real life.  She was hilarious when talking about her "one child whose is five" who is "real cute" although "she's (Catherine Rose) a little odd sometimes."

Life Imitates Motherhood Art

Cheryl told Jimmy "at night I read her some books and then I tell her a story. So I said, ‘What story do you want to hear?' And she said, ‘The Bernie Madoff story.'"

According to Cheryl, her daughter Catherine just "loves" hearing about disgraced financier.  Why you might ask?  Apparently Catherine witnessed Cheryl's own shocked reaction when she first learned about the Ponzi scheme he used to bilk thousands of investors out of billions of dollars.

"It's weird," Cheryl told Jimmy "she's fascinated because she heard me talking about him, and when I first heard his story I was shocked and said ‘Oh my God, that's awful!' And she was like, ‘What...What is it?'"

"I said, ‘Well, this guy stole a lot of money. And she goes, ‘Well, he needs to give it back!' And I said, ‘Oh I don't think he has it.' And she asked, ‘Why not?' I said, ‘Well, he gave some away...he bought boats and houses and cars.' And she said, ‘Well he should give those people the boats and houses and cars.' And I was like...'You're right. And good night!'"

Birthday Party With Reptiles For Little Girls

Continuing to defy the world of little girls, Catherine asked her mom for "a reptile theme" for her fifth birthday party.

Thinking it was a "cute" idea, Cheryl hired a team of animal handlers which came directly to her home with a wide variety of creatures in tow - including boa constrictors, tarantulas, scorpions, a komodo dragon and a "giant turtle that all the kids rode around on," she said.

While Catherine had a blast - "she loved it," Cheryl explained,there were still a few hair-raising moments!

She told Jimmy and the audience "it's weird, I remember asking the girl when they were passing the scorpion around...I said, ‘Are these dangerous?' She just smiled, and said, ‘Yeah, they can be."

Still Married To Larry David

Jimmy wanted to know how Cheryl could be both on "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and her new show on ABC "In The Motherhood" at the very same time.  Cheryl explained it was a little crazy but she is doing double duty playing a divorced mother on "in The Motherhood" and the long suffering wife of Larry David on HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm."

During the sixth season of Curb, Larry and Cheryl separated, she told the media and Jimmy Kimmel she would be back for the seventh season, which is filming right now.  Larry portrays a slightly modified version of himself which is a very neurotic guy who can't control what he says, which of course always gets him in trouble.

Great Chemistry

Cheryl and Larry have great chemistry.  The bubbly blonde actress has told the media "she and Larry David" clicked from the beginning of doing Curb.  She's been quoted as saying "she's gotten him from day one."  Does Cheryl believe she and Larry will re-unite?  She definitely thinks "they should be together."  After all, "who else is gonna love him?"

In The Motherhood Synopsis

The ABC comedy is a spin off from a series of webisodes with Leah Remini, Chelsea Handler and others which was much funnier.

I have to confess I adore Megan Mullally from Will & Grace and really like Jessica St. Clair of Worst Week.  I also really enjoy Cheryl on Curb and some of the movies she's done.  I thought she was great in Waitress.

However, I have to agree with a lot of the critics who have reacted blandly to the show.  I actually watched the first two episodes and even though I wanted it to be funny, it just wasn't.  The best part of the show was The Manny played delightfully by Horatio Sanz.

Here's hoping the show gets tighter and funnier to help ratings.

If not, there's always Curb which is definitely a big winner and a proven funnny bone tickler.

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