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Dennis Rodman Promised The Donald He Would Get Help

For fans of The Celebrity Apprentice you probably already know about The Dennis Rodman Intervention on the episode where he was kicked off.  Dennis truly was a disaster during the entire time he was on the reality TV show.

(Image of Dennis Rodman - The Celebrity Apprentice - - All Right Reserved)

I am unsure why Donald invited Dennis to be on the show other than for the pure entertainment and drama value.   If that was the reason for inviting Dennis, the goals were met.  If not, then who knows why Dennis was there.  Does he need even more attention?

Dennis continues to get kicked out of places.  Carmen Electra's ex-husband was also kicked out of The London Hotel in West Hollywood on April 3, 2009 as reported by Perez Hilton's Blog. Why was Dennis booted out?  For disorderly conduct and for acting like a major jerk.  Besides yelling profanities, which definitely sounds like Dennis, he supposedly was touching and groping female guests at the hotel.

One hotel staffer told the sources for Perez Hilton that Rodman was "the most obscene and out of control guest I've ever seen up here."

Poor Dennis.  It doesn't sound like he is getting help like he promised Mr. Trump that he would.  Sounds like the Celebrity Apprentice Intervention made no impression on the former basketball star at all.

So what's next for Dennis Rodman?  Hopefully he will get the help he obviously needs and soon before he does more harm to himself or others.

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