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Holistic Treatment Of Fibroid Tumors

Traditionally fibroid tumors, which are usually non-cancerous growths, have been the primary reason for women over 35 years of age to undergo hysterectomies as well as causing fertility challenges.

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Medical studies have shown that women of color have a much higher likelihood of developing fibroids, often faster growing and larger, than Caucasian women.

Medical literature has reported cases of fibroid tumors growing as large as lemons and grapefruits to as large as over 100 pounds although the majority, 75% - 80% or more, remain the size of grapes, walnuts or almonds.  Some are actually so small they require microscopes to see them.

Fibroids only become an issue when it directly impacts a woman's ability to become pregnant or carry a healthy pregnancy to full term.

Fibroid tumors also may become a medical problem when they cause menstrual problems, pain or begin to encroach on other body organs.  Sometimes fibroids may cause excessive bleeding which can cause other complications.

What Is A Fibroid Tumor?

Solid tumors consisting of fibrous tissue, are fibroid'tumors. Fibroids most often occur as multiple slow growing  masses.

Although fibroid tumors usually are non-cancerous and most often grow in the uterus of a women, they do sometimes develop on other smooth muscle cell body organs.

Note: For more information refer to Wikipedia - fibroid tumors.

Different types of fibroid tumors:

Fibroids are usually named according to where they are found.  Fibroids are sometimes referred to as Myoma, Leiomyoma, Leiomyomata and Fibromyoma.

Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroids.  They are round in shape and usually grow into the wall of the womb.  The danger to these types of fibroid tumors is that they may cause enlargement of the uterus as they grow.

Subserosal fibroids are found growing outside the wall of the womb and can become very large.  There are usually no symptoms until subserosal fibroids grows large enough to interfere with other neighboring organs.

Pedunculated fibroids grow on stalks.  These types of fibroids develop when a subserous fibroid grows a peduncle (stalk).  As they grow larger they may become twisted and can then cause severe pain.

Submucosal fibroids are found in the muscle beneath the inner lining of the womb wall. These types of fibroids may cause various menstrual problems, including intense pain as they grow and move around the pelvic area.  Interligamentous Fibroid these fibroids grow sideways between the ligaments which support the uterus in the abdominal region. This type of fibroid is especially difficult to remove without the possibility of interfering with the blood supply or other organs.

Cervical fibroids are found in the wall of the cervix (neck of the womb).

Leiomyosarcoma of the womb are rare malignant growths on the smooth muscles. 

Parasitic fibroids is the rarest form of fibroid tumor.  It occurs when a fibroid attaches itself to another organ.

The good news?  Fibroids do not develop before the body produces estrogen and they generally disappear after menopause.

The bad news?  Fibroids can become much worse during pregnancy when extra estrogen is flowing.  Some experts believe the estrogen in birth control pills can trigger fibroid tumor growth.  A woman will rarely develop fibroid tumors after menopause.

Holistic Treatment Of Fibroid Tumors

Although surgery is a key option utilized by many for the removal of fibroid tumors, more women are evaluating more natural options before they take the surgical plunge.

What are the key holistic treatments utilized to shrink and cure fibroids?  Do these holistic treatments work?  Do they last?  How reliable are they?

Key Holistic Treatments Utilized For Fibroids

There are many different holistic treatment options including the following:

1.  Body detoxification and cleansing with colonics and herbal cleanse programs.  Senna leaf and bekuins tea offer an option for colonic cleansing as well.

2.  Dietary change to remove foods with excess estrogen such as meats and related.  Many believe vegan diets are especially helpful for shrinking fibroids.  Other experts recommend a diet free of sugar, white flour and other toxic ingredients which can indirectly cause toxicity in the body.  

3.  Incorporating low impact exercise to increase the body's circulation and improve the body's ability to heal. 

4.  Acupuncture, acupressure and related body point therapies.

5.  Progesterone Cream - Bioidentical progesterone cream minimizes the size and frequency of uterine fibroids by balancing the excess estrogen levels.  Progesterone use is the single most successful treatment for uterine fibroids. Fibroids will often shrink  and dissolve with the use of progesterone. Progensa 20 is highly recommended as a progesterone cream.

6.  Herbal treatments.  Consult an herbal therapist to help develop a customized treatment program.  One well-known formula is Herbal Formula (ProSoothe).  It is an all natural herbal formula that significantly improves uterine fibroids and pelvic pain/cramps, irritability, tension, mood swings, acne, headaches, breast pain, bloating and weight gain. 

7.  Milk Thistle (Silymarin) -  Beyond the treatment of liver disorders, everyday care of the liver lays a cornerstone for total body health. 

8.  Vitex or chasteberry tincture, 25-30 drops two to four times daily, often shrinks small fibroids within two months. Best results occur after long-term use which can take up to 2-3 years. 

9.  Use of warm castor oil packs positioned on the belly.  Another option is the use of ginger compresses made from soaking a towel in hot ginger water to relieve pain and help shrink the fibroids.

10.  Homeopathic treatments.  Consult a homeopathic physican for a recommended treatment program.

11.  Emotional therapy.  Some experts believe that for every physical ailment there is an underlying emotional issue.

Naturopaths and holistic physicans often discover a key cause of physical ailments have an underlying cause which can be rooted in the liver.

Uterine fibroid tumors can occur when the liver is overwhelmed by use of a variety of pharmaceuticals which render the liver unable to easily handle the breakdown of estrogen.  When there is an excess of estrogen, there is a higher risk of developing Uterine Fibroid Tumors.

Before making a decision to go under the knife, investigate alternative therapies.  Many have been proven to be very successful in shrinking and completely eliminating the occurance of fibroid tumors.   The key to success is finding a primary holistic physican who can work closely with you and customize a natural treatment designed for your specific fibroid tumor type and severity.

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