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Big Brother 11 - Casey & His Banana Suit - Gets Evicted

Casey and Jordan were in the hot seat this week on Big Brother 11.

Although last week it appeared that Rat Ronnie would be unanimously voted off the show, Jessie and Natalie decided Ronnie had not "directly screwed" them over and thus agreed to keep their previously arranged agreement to help each other.

Teflon Ronnie was safe and out of harm's way even though after the last elimination it was a sure bet he would be evicted.

(Houseguests living it up at the Big Brother 11 House. Pictured: Casey Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS ©2009 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved).

Jessie decided Casey from The Off Beat Clique was out to get him and was more of a threat than anyone else.  As a result both Natalie and Jessie made the decision to backdoor Casey.

Even though Michelle and Jordan were originally nominated for eviction, Michelle made a fabulous showing in the Power Of Veto (POV) contest by literally digging around in pig shit.

After winning the POV contest Michelle gave herself the veto and removed herself from the hot seat.  Meanwhile since Jessie was the reigning Head Of Household (HOH) he was able to "back door" Casey and assign him to the hot seat.

(Houseguests living it up at the Big Brother House. Pictured: Casey Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS ©2009 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserve).

Casey managed to make a heartfelt appeal to Russell and did manage to get him to change his vote for him.  Russ did vote against Jordan.   Even Kevin who originally was for Casey voted against him.

With all of the votes in Casey was voted out of the house.  By a vote of 7 to 1 Casey was evicted from the Big Brother House.   Although Casey had seemed very outspoken against the house guests when he was nominated, he took his departure well until he said goodbye to Jessie.  At that point Casely let Jessie have it and accused him of going back on his word.

When Casey attacked Jessie he was immediately supported by Natalie who started attacking Casey.  When Natalie attacked Casey he asked Natalie if she was "Jessie's bitch."

Bottom line, Casey went out of the house with guns blazing.  In his exit interview he confessed that he was "too trusting" about the people in the house.   Casey said "people have a short memory in there."  He also said "I trusted Jessie".

Casey also watched the good-bye messages.  Russ, Jordan, Jeff, Michelle and Kevin left really nice messages for Casey but Ronnie and Natalie left nasty messages.

What do you think?  Did the house make a mistake sending out Casey instead of Rat Ronnie?

Who do you think will be the next on the chopping block?  I would love to hear your thoughts since I am completely addicted to this crazy but fascinating reality show from CBS.

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