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Leslie Mann Is Beautiful, Perky & Big Star In Funny People

Blonde, beautiful and upbeat actress Leslie Mann, 37, has made a name for herself as the sizzling hot woman surrounded by funny men in Big Daddy (with Adam Sandler), The 40-Year-Old Virgin (with Steve Carell) and Knocked Up (Katherine Heigl and Seth Rogan).

(Image L-R of Adam Sandler and Leslie Mann - From Funny People - All Rights Reserved).

Knocked Up and The 40-Year-Old Virgin were directed by her husband, Judd Apatow.

Funny People - Bigger Part

Leslie is currently co-starring with a much bigger part in the new film Funny People, written and again directed by Hubby Apatow and starring Adam Sandler with a host of comic actors including Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill (one of Leslie's proclaimed favorites for comedy).

Funny People provides Leslie Mann with her biggest role to date.  She plays a mother of two with a rocky marriage, whose hugely successful actor ex-boyfriend (Sandler) becomes seriously ill and jumps back into her life.

(Image of actress Leslie Mann - From Funny People - All Rights Reserved).

Leslie also previously co-starred with Zac Efron in 17 Again as his ex-wife before he turned back the hands of time.  In 17 Again she was a brunette but in many of her movies, as well in real life, she is a beautiful honey blonde with below-the-shoulder tresses often coiffed into loose curls and waves.

Promoting 17 Again On Ellen

When Leslie appeared on the Ellen Degeneres Talk Show in April to promote the film 17 Again she told Ellen her own kids "were very impressed that she co-starred with Zac and got to touch him in the film."  Leslie told Ellen not only did she get to "touch him" but "they kissed and I got to slap him."

Ellen wanted to know how Leslie and Zac "got along".  Leslie, who is hilariously in The 40-Year-Old Virgin as the drunk chick from the bar who takes out several cars while driving drunk, told Ellen she and Zac "got along great.  He's so sweet, he was here the other day...right?"

Ellen showcased a photo of Leslie and Zac at the premiere together and they both looked great.  Leslie squealed with delight when she saw the photo.

(Image L-R of Adam Sandler and Leslie Mann - From Funny People - All Rights Reserved).

Zac Efron & Leslie - Very Cute Couple

The talk show hostess said "you look like a cute couple."  Leslie replied "it's funny because we've been doing some press for the movie and I've been reading these quotes from like Zac and he says things like 'if I (Leslie) wasn't married we could be the next Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher' and stuff like that.

Ellen seemed impressed with that comment and said "WOW" while the audience laughed.  Leslie laughed and Ellen said "how does your husband feel about that?"  Leslie replied "I'm a little mad at my husband right now so I'm thinking about taking Zac up on that."   She looked at the audience and laughed and said "right?  Why not?"

Ellen said "well it kinda kick starts the marriage if someone is interested like that.  Right?"  Leslie laughed.  Ellen went on to explain that Judd Apatow is Leslie's husband who directs all the movies.  Ellen said "you can't be mad at him because you work with him all the time."

Leslie agreed "I know, huh."  She paused and said "well I can be mad at him."  She laughed again and referring to Zac and her said "and that could be fun."  The actress got serious and said "noooooo I wouldn't do that."  Leslie said "and he's 22 by the way."  Ellen said "how old is your daughter?"

(Image of Leslie Mann in 17 Again - All Rights Reserved).

Leslie said "wouldn't that be gross? (referring to Zac's young age).  Ellen said "is he 22?"  Leslie said "nooo, he's 21."  She laughed and Ellen said "don't try to pad it like it's OK."

Husband Judd Apatow Doesn't Agree About Wife & Zac Kissing

How does hubby Judd Apatow feel about his wife and Zac?  He told the media "He just has one issue. I don't appreciate her kissing Zac Efron — I can live without that," he says. "But I thought the movie was great. See, Leslie is such a good actress, she can even look like she's in love with an incredibly handsome 21-year-old man."

Zac's Surprise For Leslie's Daughter

Ellen again asked "how old is your daughter?"  Leslie answered "she's 11 now and Zac did something cool for her.  He called her on her 10th birthday and she was having a party and she had like 12 girls over and he called and it was a surprise and they freaked out."

Leslie provided the phone clip of Zac's call to her daughter.   It was hilarious.  It showed Leslie's daughter and all her little girlfriends screaming and freaking out and asking Zac if he was still dating Vanessa Hudgens.  Leslie and Ellen were laughing over the clip.

(Image of Leslie Mann in 17 Again - All Rights Reserved).

At the end the clip shows a little boy being pushed to the ground.  Ellen wanted to know who the little boy was.  Leslie said it was the little boy of a friend of hers.  She told Ellen her daughter got so excited she "got all violent" and "pushed the little boy down."

Leslie said when Zac called "it was about a year and a half ago and now she's 11 and a half and now she's like much cooler now and she's like 'so how's Zac, you know, not that I care but how's it going with him?'  Leslie was hilarious doing a take off of her daughter acting cool and acting like it's no big deal that her mom knows and works with Zac.

Looking Back - Ellen & Leslie's High School Photos At Age 17

Ellen discussed what it would be like to really be 17 again and showed the audience and Leslie a photo of herself with super frizzy hair when she was actually 17.   Ellen then showed a photo of Leslie at 17 and she had very curly hair.  Obviously Leslie has naturally curly hair.  Her hair was blonde and coiffed in very tight ringlets.

Ellen and Leslie had so much fun looking at each other's photos and laughing about how they looked back at age 17.

Leslie asked Ellen "where'd you get that - we have the same hair."  Ellen said "noooo"  Leslie said "we do, we look related."

Ellen disagreed "I don't think so, I don't think at all."

Leslie explained that the photo of her at 17 was in her yearbook and she didn't pick it.  She said she had "a timeline in which to pick the photo she wanted" and she "missed the deadline" so they "just picked that one."  Leslie definitely didn't like the photo they chose.

Ellen told her "it's a good picture.  You look fantastic."  Leslie said "so do you".  I don't think either Ellen or Leslie agreed that the photos were good but they were good sports about it and laughed together at how they looked from the past.

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