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Leslie Bibb Spider Legs In Confessions Of Shopaholic

(L-R) Leslie Bibb and Isla Fisher as Alicia and Rebecca in Confessions of a Shopaholic - All Rights Reserved
As I wrote in a previous blog, I was one of the first, at least in Dallas, Texas, to see Confessions Of A Shopaholic (COAS).

While I really like Isla Fisher I didn't like the film.  But I  covered that in a previous blog so no point in rehashing my opinions.

I did find the presence of actress Leslie Bibb who was noted in the film for her long, looong legs, as an interesting character.

I remembered seeing Leslie in past roles but it was one of those situations where the face looks familiar but you can't quite place it.  You may know what I mean.  You play the face over and over in your head until the light bulb goes off and you remember exactly where you saw it.

If you depend on the old standbys - which I did - as soon as I got home, I made a beeline to Wikipedia, then IMDB, and all the pieces fell into place. Leslie Bibb had a breakout role in the WB series Popular, where she played the sizzling hot Brooke McQueen.  Popular became an instant cult classic.

Although Leslie has a relatively small role in the film, she looked absolutely spectacular.  I wouldn't be surprised if Confessions Of A Shopaholic gives her career a shot in the actress arm.

In COAS, Rebecca's arch nemesis Alicia is played by Leslie.  She looked drop dead gorgeous.  Patricia Field who is famous for her styling of SJP and the girls for the Sex And The City series and movie, did all the fashion styling for Isla and Leslie for the COAS film.

Leslies amazing highlightsLeslie's amazing highlights -

While Patricia did her usual eye popping work on Isla, I was even more impressed with Leslie's outfits than the ones worn by Isla, except for the bridesmaid dresses which were so incredibly cute.  Patricia Field used dark tones to offset Leslie's perfectly highlighted blonde tresses.

Seriously - who is the amazing haircolorist that spun those amazing highlights and lowlights through Leslie's hair?  I would follow them through a sandstorm to get similar results.

Because Leslie as Alicia, Isla's arch rival for everything from the perfect job to the perfect guy, was styled in dark tones, she made a fierce contrast to Isla who was done in light, flirty outfits.  Patricia definitely showed off Leslie's killer body and had her wear the most gorgeous gold studded Louboutins I have ever seen.  She was spectacular in every way from her head to her toes.

Truth be told, I wanted to be Alicia.  She was literally breathtaking.

While the Confessions Of A Shopaholic may send mixed messages in a number of fronts, it tells the world that actress Leslie Bibb needs her own starring role.

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