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John Krasinski: Life Is More Fun When Fiancee Emily Blunt Is Around

Ellen introduced John Krasinski (Jim Halpert) by saying "our first guest stars on the hit TV show 'The Office'  and you can also see him in a new movie called 'It's Complicated'.  At this point Ellen showed a clip of the movie with John catching his mother-in-law, Meryl Streep sneaking out of a hotel.

(Image of John Krasinski as Jim Halpert on NBC's 'The Office' - All Rights Reserved)

John came bounding out onto Ellen's staqe and then jumped into the audience to hand an audience member a tissue and a hug.  The audience went crazy.

He was dressed in a gray jacket, white shirt, dark tie and dark slacks.  He looked very handsome with his hair brushed up and off his hairline.

Ellen teased John and said "now I happen to know you're engaged.  You're leading her own.  She's all excited, she got tissue from you and a hug." John teased back "I've got news. Ummm.  I'm kidding, that would be terrible."

Ellen agreed "that would be terrible."

John called out to the audience member "are we good?"  She replied "yeah, we're good."  John said "in a lot of cultures sneezing is a real sign of respect, so I really appreciate it."  Ellen "Yeah, no, it's definitely.  I really thought it was a sneeze, but she just went crazy when I said your name."  John "Oh, she wasn't sneezing. I need the tissues back."

(Image of John Krasinski as Jim Halpert in NBC's 'The Office' - All Rights Reserved)

Ellen "it's good to see you."  John "it's great to see you too."  Ellen "I think the last time I saw you we were in line for a bathroom."

John "yeah, I'm glad you remember that, cause that's not awkward at all.  When you're waiting and then you're like 'hey how you doing?'  And you always have one eye on the bathroom.  And it's like, 'sooo, what have you been up to'.  Because if you get into any real conversation."

Ellen "you can't"  John "like oh my god I just got engaged and da-da-da, sorry I've got to go. And 'dude, it's open.'"

Ellen "I would have gone right in with you.  I would have listened to the rest of the story, because I'm like that.  I'm interested"  John was excited and said "that would have been awesome actually."

Ellen "you have had such a good year."  John "thank you."  Ellen "Yeah, haven't you?"  John "I think so, yeah."

Ellen continued "you're on 'The Office' which is hysterical."  John "thank you, thank you."  Ellen "and you're really hysterical on it."  John "thank you".  Ellen "then you get this big giant movie"  John "with some indie actors, some up and comers."

Ellen "just like Meryl Streep, and Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin."  John repeated after her, "Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin, yeah".

John "I let them be on the poster because I felt they need a boost in their career. I've had my time in the Sun."

Ellen "Good for you."  John "Thank you."  Ellen "What a generous man you are.  Were you intimated when you met them?"

John "Yes.  Yes. I play a very nervous character, as you saw in the clip (of the movie).  So that wasn't hard at all.  It was like 'and rolling' and I was like 'hey Meryl Streep'. And 'cut, you can't call her Meryl, John.  You can't call her Meryl'"

John "Got it.  Right.  Hey Mrs. Streep".  'No, come on John, let's get it together.'

Ellen "That is helpful though.  I used to pray for auditions were you had to be nervous.  Because you're just nervous anyway."

John "Yeah.  Or really polite. That's awesome too."  Ellen "You are very funny in the movie.  I watched it last night.  Terrific, really really good.  Very funny."  John "Thank you very much."

Ellen "a great, really strong cast."

John  "yeah, we had a really good time."

Ellen "and now, really, your fiancee is Emily Blunt.  Right?" John "yeah" Ellen "and she just got nominated for a Golden Globe."  Ellen showed a photo of John and Emily together.

John "for Best Actress.  Yeah."  Ellen "fantastic."  The audience cheered and applauded.  Ellen "for a movie that's not out yet." John "it's coming out next week I think.  'The Young Victoria' she plays Queen Victoria."

Ellen "and how long have you known her?"  John "I've known her for a year and a half now.  Yeah, so."

Ellen "is that hard, because both of you are working all the time?"  John "Yeah, it was hard for awhile.  It's one of those things where it's very difficult to be away from each other, but at the same time we just fly back and forth all the time.  It's always more fun when she's around.

Ellen "and it's exciting when you see each other because you don't get to see each other."  John "exactly.  It's actually better that way."  He talked as if he was talking to Emily 'do a movie so it's more exciting when I see you.'  Ellen "Rightttt."

John "otherwise it's boring.  Seriously, you haven't worked in a month, you've got to go.  Get out."

Ellen "did you bring us a bad photo?"  John "you betcha."  Ellen "because I love these photos.  Is a Santa involved?"

John "it's basically only a Santa involved.  I went to The Grove, which is a mall here in LA.  And just thought, with my buddy and just like 50 million people do, I was like 'it would be so funny if two adults sat on Santa's lap.  And Santa saw us coming and he must have been the most miserable person I ever met in my life.  But I'm being dead serious.  I was like 'hey Santa, we're doing a bit' and he was like 'hey guys how're you doing?'  And then he gave bells to my friend and he was like 'this is in case you cry'.  And my friend Danny was like 'uuuhhh, I'm not going to cry Santa  and he was like 'well I'm crying on the inside.'"

So we were like 'alright, this is really, really awkward.'  And then the guy's like 'one, two, three' and when he takes the picture and we were like 'can't wait to see this.'  And it's like he's the greatest actor in the world.  He's the jolliest Santa you will ever see.  So just imagine he was like (looking depressed and then looking super jolly)."

Ellen "so he turned from that guy to that?"  John "He did a switch. It was incredible.  I wanted to get that guy's number to make sure he was around more.  So I could be 'hey, I got some good news.  Just fun to have around."

Ellen "and do you have a new dog or an old dog?  John "he just turned one.  So he's pretty new.  Yep."

Ellen "where did you get him from? Ellen showed a photo of John's dog.  John explained that he took the dog to the Vet and asked 'about how big do you think he's going to be? And the Vet said '65 pounds' but the dog is much bigger.  John said "he looks like a deer on a leash."

John explained "I was jut in New York and I was going to take him (the dog) for a walk.  And so there was a woman with a 5 year old girl" and they got off on the wrong floor and the little girl didn't look thrilled with the dog.  So they went back down a floor to their place and so there's this little 3 year old and she went "Surpriseeeee" but just froze when she saw the dog.  John said  "I'm pretty sure I scarred her for life."

Ellen "now you're ruined a Santa and a small child."

Ellen "how is Steve Carell doing?"  John "he's terrible.  He needs to find a job."

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