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Adrianne Palicki Loved When Tyrese Gibson Rubbed Her Pregnant Belly

"Friday Night Lights" actress Adrianne Palicki who played Tyra Collette was a guest recently on Bonnie Hunt.

Adrianne who was a platinum blonde as Tyra on "Friday Night Lights" is now a redhead.  It was quite a shock to see her with her hair such a different hue but she still looks gorgeous.

(Image from the film "Legion" - Adrianne Palicki is shown in the back center - All Rights Reserved)

Bonnie told Adrianne that her crew was excited about her visit because they are fans of "Friday Night Lights."

Adrianne said "it's a great show."  Bonnie "I know, I know.  My niece Ashley would literally plan her time around it and couldn't wait for the next episode."

Bonnie said "how did you get the role on that (show)? Or were you all golden?"

Adrianne "you know, actually, it's a funny story.  When I first read the script.  Peter Berg actually wrote it.  And it wasn't really well written."  She paused and said "sorry Pete" and then made a face.  Bonnie said "you can go sit with that guy in the audience (who was cutting up and having fun" and Adrianne said "we're just having fun, right?"

She continued "and it was based on, you know, football, and it was also based on a movie I was like 'those two things don't ever work on television' so I was like 'I don't even want to do this.'  So I went to the audition, had another audition at the other side of town, and got a call that Peter Berg wanted to meet me that day.  They were testing every other character.  And they wanted to meet be right before hand. And I was like 'I'm never going to make it.'  And my parents just happened to be in town and they're like 'no, we can make it, we can make it.'"

She continued "My dad was driving and he flew us across town and I went and I met with Peter Berg and I was in there for about 1/2 hour and the next day I was testing at studio."

Bonnie "Wow.  So your folks, they were here with you?"  Adrianne "Yes.  They were here with me."

Bonnie "What was that like?"  Adrianne "it was fun.  It was great."  Bonnie "I'll bet."  Adrianne "and I got to celebrate with them.  I kinda feel like if I'm going to book a part I have to get a plane ticket home or have them out here."

Bonnie "they're your good luck charm."  Adrianne "they are my good luck charm."

Bonnie "and the home is the Midwest?"  Adrianne "yes"  Bonnie "where did you grow up?"  Adrianne "Toledo, Ohio."

Bonnie said "wow" and the audience cheered.  Adrianne looked out into the audience and said "Yes???" as if she was thinking someone was from there."

Bonnie said "they're all out there throwing em back."  She was referring to how wild and crazy her audience was."

Adrianne laughed "ehhh, they did that earlier, so who care."  Bonnie said "exactly, liquid breakfast."

Bonnie said "tell us about 'Legion' and you're eight months pregnant? Not you, your character."  Adrianne nodded in agreement "eight months pregnant.  Think about birth control.  You were talking about before."  Bonnie "well you gotta get that lucky rabbit's foot (a joke Bonnie made earlier about birth control and luck)."

Adrianne said "exactly."  Bonnie said "nine out of ten times it (the lucky rabbit's foot for birth control) doesn't work."

Bonnie "so how do you like playing pregnant?"  Adrianne "you know, that's what I mean.  I had to wear a 10 pound pregnancy suit for a month and a half.  Which is obviously not the real thing but it was awful.  Yeah.  Except for the way I was treated by men.  It was really interesting."

Bonnie "Oh you noticed a difference."  Adrianne "Oh yeah.  I had doors opening for me.  'Can I get you anything.'  Tyrese would always come up and talk to me and rub my stomach.  I was like 'why can't I feel this right now?'"  Adrienne burst out laughing.

Bonnie was speechless and laughed.  "Oh geez.  Well at least you're honest."  Adrianne "He's a sexy man, what can I say?"

Bonnie "did you ever think about turning around really quickly?"  Adrianne bent over laughing at Bonnie's comment. Bonnie said "I've got great plans."

Adrianne explained a bit about the movie which also co-stars Kate Walsh.  Bonnie showed a clip from 'Legion' with Adrianne and Kate Walsh.

Bonnie said "wow."  Adrianne said making the movie was "fun".  Bonnie asked "hey will you be going back to Friday Night Lights next season?"  Adrianne "yes I've been asked to come back and hopefully that will work out.  I would love to. Love to.  I was supposed to do it this past season but I was shooting a film and the schedules coincided.  So I wasn't able to go back."

Bonnie "that'll be exciting."  Adrianne "yes, absolutely"

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