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Matt Hoffman's Wife Weighs In On Big Brother Disease Controvery

Big Brother 12 contestant Matt Hoffman claims to be the most intelligent player in the game.  As part of his strategy Matt told all the House Guests that his wife has a rare disease - meloheostosis.

On tonight's live eviction show Julie Chen asked if Matt's wife believes his lie (about her health) is his smartest move.

(Image of Matt Hoffman from CBS Big Brother 12 - - All Rights Reserved)

The Big Brother cameras cut to an interview with Matt's wife to have her weigh in.  Shooting from Chicago the BB cameras closed in on Stacy, Matt's wife.  She said "the way his brain works isn't like anybody elses."  A shot of Matt playing electric guitar was shown.

Stacy continued "he's extremely intelligent but he lacks all common sense.  Stacy said "I'm extremely shocked that Matt's lying to everybody in the house saying that I have this extremely rare bone disease."

Big Brother showed a clip of Matt telling Andrew the lie about his wife's disease which only "affects one in a million."

Stacy told the camera "I don't agree with what he did.  I don't think that it was a good mover on his part.  I think if they want him out of the house it's going to happen."

When Matt won Head of Household (HoH) he read a letter from Stacy that indicated to the rest of the Houseguests that she was indeed ill.  Stacy said "I decided to help him out with the HoH letter because I could see it (the lie) coming back and biting him in the house."

(Image of Matt Hoffman from CBS Big Brother 12 - - All Rights Reserved)

There was also a clip of Matt talking with Kathy, Rachel and Brendon about having a website set up for his wife.

Ironically Kathy and Andrew were shown in the Head of House's bedroom talking with Matt.  Both Kathy and Andrew told Matt it would be "disgusting" if someone faked a disease just to win the contest.  Matt looked very nervous.

Stacy said "I don't really think he thought of all the repercussions.  I don't think he's doing to be malicious or evil.  He's not that kind of person.

Julie talked privately to Matt live about the lie he told the House Guests about his wife.  Julie said "now you've told your Houseguests that your wife has a rare bone disease hoping to play on the sympathies of the house.  Do you think the lie is working so far?"

(Image of Matt Hoffman from CBS Big Brother 12 - - All Rights Reserved)

Matt laughed and had a huge grin.  He said "I think the lie is working perfectly.  I already have like three of my votes in the jury house if I need it.  So everyone's buying in to this hook, line and sinker."

Julie asked "are you at all worried that you might offend some people by doing this?"  Matt said "I'm concerned, in fact I'm certain I've offended some people but you know I'm playing to win.  I've the best player this game has ever had so you do what you've got to do and hope that people will understand it's all part of game play."

(Image of Matt Hoffman from CBS Big Brother 12 - - All Rights Reserved)

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