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Steve Carell's Son Planning For Silly String Emergencies

Steve Carell is a bona fide movie star as well as the top dog and TV boss of NBC’s “The Office”.  Steve's movie career is exploding, in a good way, and he has announced at the end of this season (new episodes begin Sept. 23) he is retiring his role as the inept boss Michael Scott who drives his lackadaisical office staff nuts on a constant basis.

(Image of Steve Carell - NBC's The Office - All Rights Reserved)

Will The Office Survive Without Steve?

Will the hit "The Office" survive without Steve?  That's a good question and one that NBC is struggling to decide as they scramble for a replacement boss.  Can NBC pull it off?  If they follow their successful formula with long running Law & Order, they might just have a shot.

As  a long time fan of Steve and The Office, I hope the powers to be at NBC get this worked out so that the comedy doesn't lose any of his steam.  I also hope they wrap up Steve's character before he exits.  I don't know about everyone else but I hope Michael Scott finally finds love and marriage to some sweet lady who can roll with his zany punches.  Hey, wouldn't that make a great sequel someday for Steve?

Steve was hilarious in The 40 Year Old Virgin and was a huge hit in the Summer blockbuster, Despicable Me.  I personally didn't like him in Date Night with Tina Fey but overall, I adore pretty much everything Steve appears in on TV or the big screen.

Regular Visitor On Ellen Degeneres Daytime Talk Show

The funnyman is a regular on Ellen where they take turns sneaking up on each other to try and illicit screams.  Steve crawled across Ellen's stage on his hands and news to pop up behind her couch on the November 13th show in 2008 when she was celebrating her 900th show.  Ellen got revenge last season when she hid in Steve's bathroom for his most recent appearance and got him to scream in dismay.

Steve told Ellen he knew she was going to scare him and he planned to pretend to be having a heart attack by grabbing his chest, but decided it would be "in really bad taste."   Steve told Ellen he used to hide in the closet behind "the row of coats" when his dad would come home from work and scare him when he pushed aside the coats.  He warned Ellen that his dad "years later" eventually had a heart attack and Steve said he would have felt terrible if he had "induces" the attack by scaring his dad.

Ellen agreed there are risks with scaring people although she noted her many fans love it when she scares various guests on her show.

Steve said "it's so good" when you scare people and he likes watching it".  He noted  "I don't like watching scary movies so much, but I would like watching people watch a scary movie."  Steve enjoys watching other people get scared.

Vance DeGeneres

Besides appearing regularly on Ellen's show Steve has a long standing friendship with Ellen's brother Vance (they worked together on The Daily Show).  The actor told Ellen that whenever her brother calls his home and he answers, Vance always pretends it's Nancy, Steve's wife even when it's obvious it's Steve.  It's a little joke Vance likes to pull on his longtime friend.

Silly String Only For Emergencies

When asked if his two children are funny, Steve first said "no", but then admitted that they are quite funny.  He told the story of how his six year old son John "Johnny" begged his dad to buy him silly string at the store one day while they were out shopping.

When Steve kept telling him "no" Johnny kept begging his dad for the item.  Finally Johnny pulled out all the stops to get his way and said "please, I will only use it in case of an emergency."

Steve laughed and said to Ellen "what possible emergency is he thinking in his mind - like there will be robbers and I will get them with silly string?"

Secrets Of Marital Success

Ellen congratulated Steve on 15 years of marriage to his wife Nancy (Nancy Carell) who played realtor Carol Stills in guest appearance on The Office.

Steve teased "it's 50 years."  Ellen asked Steve for his secrets of a long and happy marriage.  Steve said "it's communication.  It's being able to laugh and cry.  But it's all about the little things every day.  Reminding each other that you care."

Despicable Me Voice - Steve's Translyvanian Burbank Accent

When discussing the film Despicable Me Steven told Ellen he plays a bad guy and his voice was one part Burbank (California) and one part Transylvania.  How did he come up with that voice?

He told Ellen "we spent a little while at the beginning of the recording session (for the film) just kinda playing around with different accents and that's the one everyone seemed to like it because it seemed kinda evil, but accessible.  It involves no country.  Let's put it like that."

Steve told Ellen that filming the movie took "a couple of years, filming every day, for ten hours."  Steve teased "doing animation, is very very difficult because you have to go in and speak into a microphone."  He teased "how do people do it?"

Ellen Adores Steve

Ellen told her audience that Steve Carell is "the thing about Steve is, there are so many people in this business that aren't really what you see and Steve is the nicest guy you will ever meet, ever know.  Seriously I just love this guy, he's so talented."

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