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Jennifer Lawrence Chats About Academy Award Nomination And Calvin Klein Orange Gown

E's Ryan Seacrest kicked his Live From The Red Carpet show off with a big bang by first interviewing a gorgeous Jennifer Lawrence wearing a stunning skin tight orange Calvin Klein gown which showed off her spectacular figure.

Jennifer wore her luscious long blonde hair cascading down around the low cut gown in soft barely-there waves.  She looked fresh and polished.

Ryan pointed out that "no one covers the excitement and glamour on the red carpet like E."  Indeed he's right on that front.  He gets some of the most spectacular interviews.  Ryan also mentioned that there is a rumor that there will be a Twilight moment on the Red Carpet later in the evening but he has not confirmed these rumors as of yet.

Jennifer Lawrence is a nominee for Winter Bone.  Ryan told her the young actress she was going to be a hit with the Fashion Police in her gorgeous gown which she said was custom made for her by a designer at Calvin Klein.

When asked what it feels like to be a newbie at the Oscars Jennifer said "as a newbie I think it's pretty overwhelming but it's a proud moment."

Ryan told the actress she looked very different on the Red Carpet than she did in the movie and wanted to know what skill sets she had to learn for her role because she had to be very self-sufficient in the film.  Jennifer said that she had to "learn to chop wood, handle a gun and hunt squirrels."  The movie is famous for the skinning of a squirrel on the screen.  Jennifer made a face about that reference and said she's "off squirrels for awhile".  Good decision.

Jennifer also confirmed she had to practice to skin the squirrel and do the other tasks because she didn't know how before the film.

She also told Ryan that leading up to the Red Carpet she was "stressing about meeting up with all her friends" after the awards at the same after parties.

Ryan asked Jennifer "did everybody you know ask if you could get them into the parties?" Jennifer said not really.

The E host also asked if a lot more roles have been pouring in since she was nominated and Jennifer said "yeah, a little bit" and that "there's been a little bit more to read."  Ryan asked what role she might do next and Jennifer said she wasn't going to tell him because "you're a reporter."

Jennifer laughed and Ryan said "you can't tell us?"  Jennifer said "no, because I'm not sure yet."   She explained that she hopes to take a big break because she decides to take on any new roles.  Ryan teased her and said he thought she just had her big break.

Jennifer did say she's waiting for her "big moment."

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