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Kody Brown Of Sister Wives Thinks Four Wives Is Enough - Says He's Not The Marrying Man

Kody Brown and his four wives stopped by NBC's Today Show this morning for a second visit.  Brown and family had originally been on Today back on September 23, 2010 to announce their first season.

A clip of their original visit was played.  During the initial Today interview the question was asked "What led you down this path, what made you chose polygamy?"  Kody Brown told Meredith Viera it was "part of a faith belief, and I followed through with it and this is where it kinda landed."

On this morning's second appearance on Today Anne Curry handled the questions for the family which included Kody, Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn Brown, the fourth and newest wife.

A clip of the family on their TLC series was shown with the wives saying that there was no going back on coming out with their lifestyle.

Anne started by asking in response to the clip  "There's no going back, so where are you?  Are you comfortable with this.  Have the repercussions been too overwhelming?  Who wants that question?"

Christine (the third wife) said "You know, we've had a lot of support.  People coming up and saying hi and greeting us and letting us know that we've kinda changed their minds a little bit.  That side of it's been wonderful."

Anne asked "But the other side is?"  Robyn (fourth wife) said "our life is open.  We have people sorta judging our lives and we have those sides effects."  Janelle (second wife), who is very beautiful with gorgeous long blonde tresses said "the positive has by far outweighed anything because I hope that we have helped people have a little bit more tolerance and understanding."

Anne inquired "have there been families like yours that have reached out to you?  How many families like yours might you think exist in America?  Or do you think you're the only ones?'

The family laughed and Robyn, who appears more outspoken than the rest said "We've actually had people write to us and there were families out there like us. And they were saying 'we didn't know this (was happening) somewhere else. And they were grateful to us for the example we were showing and for letting them see there were others like them."

Four Wives Is Enough - For Now At Least

Anne "At the end of the last season (Season One) Cody, we need to hear from you, you married your fourth wife, Robyn and you basically incorporated her three kids from her previous marriage into your family.  Did you make that decision consulting your other wives or did you make that decision yourself?"

Kody said "It included all of us.  The experience of meeting Robyn and falling in love was very serendipitous but Meri (his wife) actually introduced the idea to me on our first meeting.  Her and Robyn connected and then Meri suggested it to me."

Anne "Is there a limit on the number of wives you're going to have?  In other words, have you guys discussed, OK, four's enough or is there a no end in sight situation?"

Kody laughed "Right now we feel like four is enough.  I mean....."

Kody Brown Is Not The Marrying Man

Wife Janelle said "I feel like we're so busy trying to get our feet wet and incorporate everybody you know?"  Kody said "it was fifteen years from the time I married Christine until the time I married Robyn.  Sixteen years at the time I married Robyn.  I'm not the marrying man.  I really am..."

Anne exclaimed "You're not the marrying man?  What are you talking about?  You've got four wives."

Kody agreed "Well I understand, but it's...ask me that question in ten years.  Let us have a honeymoon, let us have an experience where we're getting very comfortable with each other as a family.  But wait ten years.   It's just not happening soon (another wife)."

Sixteen Children To Care For

Anne "When you talk about busy?  Sixteen children you've all got to fend for and take care of and that really been.... I want to ask you this, because it was brought up earlier today, as a result of you going public the police in Utah has been investigating your family on suspicion of polygamy."

She continued "And the Utah county attorney has said to a local Utah newspaper, we will make a final decision one way or another, but we don't know when  it will be.  If and when there are charges filed.  Will this make you regret going public Kody?"

Kody paused "No, I don't think I would regret going public.  But that's a scary, yeah.  I'm not thinking that way, I don't want to.  That kinda puts you in a position of fear.  I'm not playing that game, I'm just..."

We're A Family - That's All We Are

Robyn interrupted "“We’re just here to show a family, we’re just trying to open up our lives and say, ‘Here we are, we’re a family and that’s all we are,’ ” She continued "We’re not hurting anyone, everybody has their choice, our children are happy and that’s basically what our message is.”

Anne said "Certainly a lot of people are interested.  I understand that you're one of the highest rated shows on TLC.  So people are really interested in what's going to happen."

Robyn replied "We're grateful for their open minds.  We really are."

If you're interested in the family they are coming back to TLC for Sister Wives Season Two.  It airs on Sunday evenings.  Stay tuned.

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