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Long Haired Pia Toscano's Shocking Elimination From American Idol


From the moment I first heard Pia Toscano sing I had perpetual goosebumps.\\u00a0 I had no doubt in my mind that Pia was going to wind up in the top five.\\n\n

But after tonight’s American Idol (AI) elimination all bets are off in a season which has been filled with shocking twists and turns starting with Casey Abram’s sudden illness and then elimination.\\n\n

(American Idol Final Nine – Pia Toscano is in the center, front row – Fox\\\/TV – All Rights Reserved)\\n\n

Abrams was saved by the AI judges in a move which was deemed to be risky since his save was so early in the season.\\n\n

Indeed, that save has come to bite the AI judges in the rear.\\u00a0 Pia Toscano had long lush raven tresses which had a blinding shimmer.\\u00a0 She was beautiful and had a body that wouldn’t stop.\\n\n

Pia Toscano could also sing although she was constantly dinged for only singing ballads.\\u00a0 On Wednesday night she broke with her ballad tradition.\\u00a0 Afterall, the night was dedicated to rock n roll and Pia embraced the opportunity to sing Tina Turner’s ‘River Deep Mountain High.’\\n\n

As usual Pia nailed every note and the judges were full of compliments.\\u00a0 But then they were full of compliments for all the American Idol contestants.\\u00a0 The only contestant to receive even the slightest criticism was Stefano Langone.\\n\n

Tonight the chickens came home to roost as Pia Toscano, many thought would win, was voted off the American Idol show.\\u00a0 While watching her tribute and singing her final farewell song she was in tears.\\u00a0 The judges were angry, stunned and outspoken about their unhappiness at her elimination.\\n\n

It’s been four years since a female has won American Idol and with only two females left in the competition, its not looking like the females will win this year.\\u00a0 Of course the way the season is going anything can happen.\\n\n

I will miss Pia.\\u00a0 Every week she rocked another gorgeous hairstyle which showcased her long lush raven hued strands.\\n\n

They say everything happens for a reason and hopefully someday we’ll see Pia become another Jennifer Hudson.\\n\n

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