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Scotty McCreery Explained His Deep Voice To Meredith Viera

Meredith Viera chatted with recent American Idol winner Scotty McCreery yesterday before he performed for the Toyota Concert Series on Today.  After his solo he joined Lauren Alaina for a duet and Lauren closed the show with a solo.

Meredith pointed out that at 17 years old Scotty McCreery is the youngest winner in American Idol history.  Also, he's the first male country singer to take the title.

Scotty, whose hair is now longer than ever and sporting waves throughout the back of his head, gave Meredith a hug and told him "I feel like I know you so well."

She said "just a few months ago you were a high school student in North Carolina, bagging groceries on the side, watching sports, eating chips on the couch, playing sports playing baseball.

Has this sunk in?"  Scotty "oh no, this is pretty wild for me you know.  It's not going to sink in for awhile I don't think.

The Today Show plaza was jammed with fans screaming "we love you Scotty."  Meredith asked the country crooner "are you used to people shouting out 'we love you Scott?'"  The AI winner said "oh no it wasn't like this before."

Meredith pointed out that there was never a moment in the entire competition when he was in the bottom.  She said "was there a moment when you said to yourself 'I think I'm going to do this?'"

Scotty said "I don't know about that.  It was about the top five or top four that I looked at my mom and said 'mama I'm reallyt starting to wanna win this thing.'  I think I knocked it up a gear when I did 'Gone'.  That was one of my favorite performances."

Meredith "and that's when you knew."  Scotty agreed.

Meredith "everybody wants to know where that voice of yours comes from.

Scotty "I'm not really sure. You know, it's just I grew up singing Elvis and I tried to sing deep in the elementary school chorus so I guess it just kinda stuck with me."

Meredith "do you have singing in your family?"  Scotty "both of my parents sing in the choir.  My dad sings both bass and tenor so I guess I maybe got a little bit of something from him."

Meredith "and what do you hope for when you look ahead to your future?"

Scotty "I'm just hoping I can get out there and put out a good album and put out some good songs because I've been singing a whole show worth of cover songs since.  It's going to be fun to sing some of my own."

Meredith "And write some of your own.  Who is your idol?"

Scotty "I lot of people know I'm a big fan of Josh Turner. He's a good guy.  I sang with him during my hometown visit and it was just a lot of fun."

Meredith asked Scotty "are you also looking forward to getting back on that couch, eating some chips and watching some scores?"  Scotty "oh you got that right.  You got that right."

Meredith "it's a long haul to get to this point."  Scotty "it is.  It's a long ride. Yes ma'am."

Scotty performed his debut single "I Love You This Big."  The crowd was crazed with their obvious love for the new AI winner.

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