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Water Tips For Hair, Beauty And Fitness

Water With Ice Cubes

Water Tips For Hair, Beauty And Fitness

Although many of us take it for granted, water is one of the best tools we have for nourishing our hair, enhancing our beauty and improving our health.

1.  Proper hydration of the scalp and roots is essential for healthy strands. 

Lack of the proper amount of daily water may disrupt normal functions of the body.  Water is responsible for circulation to the roots.  Water transports nutrients to the scalp and the roots of the hair which helps the hair grow strong and healthy.

2.  Water is critical for removing product build-up, shampoo or similar cleansers from the hair.

3.  When used as a final rinse, cool or cold water will help to close the cuticles and seal in any conditioning agents.  It will also add natural shine.

4.  Ice cold water is the finest skin toner you can ever use.  Plus it's very inexpensive.  Ice cold water stimulates cells, improves circulation and helps to shrink or close pores.

Water With Fruit

How to tone your skin: Empty a tray or two of ice cubes into a basin.  After putting your favorite skin moisturizer or face cream on your face.  Splash the icy water all over your cheeks, chin, neck, and eyes.  Pat dry with a clean soft towel.  Your skin's surface most likely has firmed up with lines becoming less visible.

5.  Ice cold water can also offer a fast  lift for your breasts which aren't as high or as firm as they used to be.

How to tighten your breasts: After a hot shower, turn on the cold tap.  Splash handfuls of  cold water all over your breasts.

Your breasts should firm up  and have an instant lift.  The cold water also gives your heart a healthy boost of circulation.

6.  Soothe aching, swollen feet from long hours of standing and wearing high heels.

How to soothe feet: Sit on the edge of your tub and run each foot under warm water.  Switch from warm to cold and then to hot.  Then switch to cold again.  The constant changing of temperatures will help your feet feel soothed in minutes.

Spa Relaxation


7.  You can use water to relieve stress and strains from daily life.

How to relieve stress: Turn out the bathroom lights, climb into a warm bath and immerse yourself into a womb-like cocoon of water for at least half an hour. Choose a quiet time free of intruding sounds or family distractions.  Create your own deprivation tank which is a great way to clear your mind and calm your thinking.

8.  How to amp up the benefit of your moisturizer.

How to get maximum benefit from your moisturizer: Don't towel off your face and body completely.  Leave it slightly moist.  While your skin is still damp, smooth on your favorite skin soothing moisturizer.   It's an old beauty secret to lock water in, keeping skin supple and youthful.

9.  Supermodel Christie Brinkley says her biggest beauty secret is H2O.

How to reverse super dry skin: Brinkley said that she not only drinks at least eight glasses a day but she mixes water with her fruit juice to make it less concentrated.  She also adds slices of fruit to fizzy water.  She points out that not only is it low in calories, it tastes great.

Once while filming in a super dry climate where her skin become totally parched she discovered that drinking lots of water was the only thing that keep her face smooth and hydrated.   Since that point water is her go-to solution for all of her beauty treatments.


10.  Drinking water at room temperature is much better than cold or hot water.

Water at room temperatures is best for flushing out toxins and impurities which are responsible for fat and cellulite deposits.  It works in harmony with the body's own digestive system.

11.  If you're traveling in a country where the local water supply doesn't promise to taste good or can be risky because of contaminants, remember to drink bottled water and use it for your teeth, washing your hands and your face.  Never ask for ice when ordering your drinks.

12.  Always avoid swimming in a chlorinated pool with a tampon inserted.  The chlorine in the water can creep up as the water is absorbed and cause irritating yeast infections.

13.  If you're plagued by bladder infections and feel a sudden attack coming on (constant need to urinate,  fierce burning when urinating), drink a pint of warm water straight down.   Do it quickly and don't take sips. It's not fun to drink down, but it helps flush out the kidneys for a quick fix.

14.  A wonderful way to hydrate skin is to use water as a spritzer or spray. Use a small spray bottle and fill it with a mineral water such as Perrier or San Pellegrino, and store it in the refrigerator. A few times a day, lightly spray your face, holding the bottle about one arm’s length away, with the mineral water. This is also excellent for the entire body.

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