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At-Home Hair Rehab For Optimal Growth

Ginny - Naturally Curly - Photo Shoot Ginny - Naturally Curly - Photo Shoot

Introduction - At-Home Hair Rehab For Optimal Growth

Although it's always nice to start off the New Year with an at-home rehab program for optimal growth, it's never too late nor too early to start.

Regardless of your hair type, texture or current condition, there should be multiple parts to your at-hair rehab for optimal growth.

You may want to start your at-home hair rehab for optimal growth by getting a notebook and separating it into various sections which address your goals for your at-home hair rehab.

Lush healthy hair which is growing to it's optimal growth potential is the result of many good habits including the following:

1.  Healthy diet (including proper vitamins, nutrients, herbs and related)

2.  Proper daily hydration (clean pure water consumed)

3.  Regular exercise

4.  Minimal vices such as nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and refined sugar

5.  Quality sleep cycles

6.  Use of proper hair products for your hair type, texture, condition

7.  Incorporation of healthy hair daily, weekly, monthly and annual care habits

8.  Positive mind set

Ginny - Naturally Curly Texture - Photo Shoot Ginny - Naturally Curly Texture - Photo Shoot

All of the good habits listed above can be done at home.  There's no need to pack up your favorite luggage and check yourself into a formal rehab facility.  You don't even need to visit a professional stylist to incorporate healthy hair good habits.

Note On At-Home Hair Rehab For Optimal Growth Good Habits

Listed below are additional notes on each of the at-home hair rehab for optimal growth good habits:

1.  Healthy diet -  Hair thrives when provided a healthy diet which incorporates the primary food groups including healthy protein which is necessary for support of natural hair growth cycles.

2.  Proper hydration - Water is a natural miracle ingredient which supports hair vitamin  consumption while assisting in healthy and efficient hair growth.

Water makes up approximately one fourth of the weight of a strand of hair and when hair has the proper amount of water, it will respond by being supple, and shiny.  Healthy roots which support optimal growth also need hydration.

3.  Regular exercise -  The scalp needs a constant supply of oxygen, as well as circulation, to nourish hair roots and to circulate all those healthy foods, vitamins, herbs and nutrients taken into the body.   Oxygen and a regular supply of blood traveling to the scalp encourages healthy hair and optimal growth.

Simone Wearing Hair Clip - Photo Shoot Simone Wearing Hair Clip - Photo Shoot

4.  Minimal vices - While there is a lot of scientific studies indicating that a little bit of caffeine and a possibly a small daily glass of red wine can be good for your body, when done to excess both vices may disrupt the body's production of healthy hair which is growing to its optimal growth cycle.

Most experts agree that excessive nicotine and refined sugar consumption can definitely inhibit healthy hair product in some people.  Of course there's always exceptions to every rule but the general consensus supports eliminating or minimize these vices.

5.  Quality sleep cycles -  Besides helping your body to refuel and regenerate, sleep reduces stress levels, helps you relax and is a great hair tonic.

When stress is well managed the scalp naturally relaxes which allows hair roots to thrive.  Lack of sleep has been proven to accelerate pre-existing hair loss challenges.

6.  Use of proper hair products for your hair type, texture, condition - Depending upon your hair type, texture and condition there are a variety of hair products you should use on a regular basis to encourage healthy hair which is growing at its natural optimal rate.

You may wish to experiment with a new schedule and methodology of cleansing including, but not limited to, Diluted Shampoo (DS), Low Poo, No Poo, Conditioner Only Wash (CoWash) or a combination of methods which can effectively cleanse your strands while protecting them from unnecessary damage.

7.  Incorporation of healthy hair habits on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis - Healthy hair habits include, but aren't limited to keeping split ends trimmed off, doing regular deep conditioning treatments, minimizing use of hot styling tools and only using styling tools which are hair friendly.

Long Lush Hair - Photo Shoot Long Lush Hair - Photo Shoot

Make a list of all the bad hair habits you currently partake in and come up with new good hair habits which will help the overall health of your hair.

8.  Positive mind set - Studies have indicated that your attitude can make or break you. A positive mental outlook can help you achieve optimal success with your at-home hair rehab for optimal growth program.

A negative attitude only serves to make everything more difficult.  Keep a positive mind set and you will go far.

A key difference between successful people and unsuccessful people can be linked to the way they think.  Successful people visualize their goals and take the proper actions to see them unfold.

Unsuccessful people tend to only think in negative terms and worry about things which are insignificant.  This negative attitude will serve to block their success.

Summary - At-Home Hair Rehab For Optimal Growth

Regardless of your hair type, texture or current condition, committing to an at-hair rehab program for optimal growth is an ideal choice for the beginning of new year.  Start with a journal and list all the areas where your hair can best benefit from making thoughtful and beneficial changes.

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