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Why Cover Girl Shineblast Was Discontinued

Introduction - Why Cover Girl Shineblast Was Discontinued

Covergirl Shine Blaster LipGloss Covergirl Shine Blaster LipGloss

In my opinion, even in the world of a very tight economy, consumers still are willing to pay more for a better product with a great reputation.

However, nothing seems to annoy consumers more, in my experience, than paying a higher price to get a better product and being fooled with a cheap or substandard item.

Although the powers that be at Cover Girl will probably never officially divulge why {{asin=B002WF79BY,text=Shineblast Lip Gloss}} was discontinued, it's my opinion they attempted to cut as many corners as possible in the creation of their lip gloss, yet offer the product at a higher cost.

Most consumers understand you get what you pay for, but are unwilling to pay a higher price for a lower quality product.

Cover Girl Shineblast - Attention Grabbing Colors

When the lip gloss was first introduced I really wanted to love it.  The list of available colors which had great names initially grabbed my attention.  The lip gloss was available in Fire, Radiate, Glimmer, Ignite, Flare, Gleam, Sparkler, Beam, Ablaze, Heat, Smolder, Dazzle, Glow, Firecracker, Ember and Aglow.

Personally I enjoyed the rich pink of Sparkler 840 and the dusty pink of Ablaze 850.  I also liked the soft Aglow 810.    I enjoyed the color from the tube.  Unfortunately, when I applied it to my lips, I found the color didn't translate well.

The Ablaze really looked beautiful in the tube in the store, but I had to apply a lot to see the color on my lips.  Sadly, the color faded almost right away.  Ditto with the Sparkler and Aglow.  I figured if all three colors looked better in the tubes than on my lips, not of the colors were probably going to show up.

Cover Girl Shineblast - Flare Cover Girl Shineblast - Flare

I also found the aroma of the lip gloss was overpowering.  Since your gloss is worn right under your nose, if the aroma is not pleasant to you, the only option is to give or throw away the product.

Aroma Pros & Cons

It's really true what smells great to one person may not smell great to another.  I did open the tester tube to get a whiff of the gloss.  Unfortunately the way the aroma of the tester tube didn't match my home version.  I found it was way too distracting.

Some disgruntled consumers who reviewed the lip gloss on various websites made note of the intense aromas.  Others even claimed inhaling the aroma for any amount of time resulted in head or stomach aches.  Although I didn't have that reaction, I could definitely see where it was possible.

I also didn't particularly like the texture of the lip gloss.  It had an oily or greasy feel to it.  Of course the gloss effect along with the color was gone very quickly.

Moving On To Other Gloss Products - Cover Girl Shineblast

After my initial experience with the lip gloss I donated them to a friend who gave them to her daughter to play dress-up.  I forgot about the product until I later say them at my local drugstore on sale for $2.00 a tube.

Although I was again tempted to buy a few because the color looked so rich in the tube  I remembered the other unfavorable experiences and decided to pass.

CoverbGirl Shine blast - Ablaze Cover Girl Shine blast - Ablaze

Another customer saw me looking at the lip gloss and warned me not to buy it.  She told me "there are lots of cheaper drugstore lip gloss products available which are ten times better then this product."  Definitely not a good omen.

Summary - Cover Girl Shineblast

Recently a friend was cleaning out an old handbag and pulled out a very old Shineblast from the darkest regions where it had been hiding.  We laughed about the gl0ss product which she hadn't liked much either.  At that point we discussed why the product was eventually discontinued by CoverGirl.

Note:  As of 4/30/13 there are several {{asin=B002WF79BY,text=Cover Girl Shineblast Lip Gloss}} colors still available on and several other online shops.

It's my opinion offering a cheaper product at a higher price than comparable offerings was why {{asin=B002WF79BY,text=Cover Girl Shineblast Lip Gloss}} was discontinued.

Although it's always possible to price compare and find deals, for the most part I found the Shineblast retailing from somewhere between $10 and $12.00 US.

If a lip gloss is spectacular, I am willing to pay a little more, but in the case of the Shineblast, I thought it was overpriced for the experience I had.  Apparently many other consumers agreed with me because the product was officially discontinued by Cover Girl.

What are your thoughts?  Why do you think the Cover Girl ShineBlast lip gloss line was discontinued?

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