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DIY Lemon And Lavender Foot Spritzer

Introduction - DIY Lemon And Lavender Foot Spritzer

Fresh Lemons Fresh Lemons

The lemon is one of my favorite all natural hair and beauty ingredients.  One of my go-to recipes is a DIY lemon and lavender foot spritzer.

The DIY lemon and lavender foot spritzer beauty recipe works great for all seasons of the year whether you're wearing sandals or knee high tight boots.

I constantly use lemons both internally and externally for my health, skin, hair and zesty taste in hot and cool teas.

In fact, even when my refrigerator is almost empty you'll find a drawer full of lemons.

My friends tease me about my addiction to lemons for my health, beauty and hair, but I tell them I'd probably request lemons as my top food to take to a deserted island.

Detox Your Liver - Grow Healthier Hair With Lemons

Everyone morning I have a cup of fresh squeezed lemon in a cup of hot water to gently detox my liver and add a natural glow to my skin.

During the summer months in Dallas I love to whip up my favorite lemon and lavender foot spritzer which is very refreshing and acts as a natural foot aroma suppressant.

Create Beautiful Feet With The DIY Lemon And Lavender Spritzer Create Beautiful Feet With The DIY Lemon And Lavender Spritzer

Lemon contains alpha hydroxy acids which are a key beauty ingredient.

Lavender is known for it relaxation properties.  I spritz a mixture of lavender essential oils onto my bed linens and wrists every night before sleep.  It works like a charm.

Ingredients For DIY Lemon And Lavender Foot Spritzer

You can't go wrong with either lemon or lavender.  If you'd like to duplicate my favorite Lemon And Lavender Foot Spritzer recipe follow the instructions below:

2 tablespoons or 30 ml {{asin=B00016WW8Q,text=witch hazel}}

5 drops of {{asin=B005P0JLIW,text=lavender essential oil (not synthetic)}}

5 drops of {{asin=B000UG5DWO,text=lemon essential oil (not synthetic)}}


Blend the essential oils with the witch hazel. Pour into a clean sterile {{asin=B00E040X04,text=amber}} or dark blue atomizer bottle. Shake well to mix.

Spritz on feet and toes. If stored in a dry, cool environment this blend will last up to two weeks.

Note:  If you wish, you can experiment with adding a few drops of fresh squeezed lemon juice into the mix.  It adds an extra zest.

Dead Skin Cell Exfoliation

Fresh Lemon Dead Skin Cell Exfoliation Fresh Lemon Dead Skin Cell Exfoliation

If you love lemons as much as I do you may want to consider the following DIY weekly exfoliation treatment for dead skin cells on your feet and ankles.

Simply cut a lemon in half.  Dip the cut half in 1/2 teaspoon of white sugar.

Gently rub over your feet for a  few minutes.  Rinse your feet completely.

Depending upon the condition of your feet, you may wish to use 1/2 lemon for each foot.  Don't overdo the exfoliation and use gentle movements.

The natural alpha hydroxy acid contained naturally in the lemons will remove dead cells and keep your feet feeling refreshed.

The lemon exfoliation recipe can be used before applying the lemon and lavender foot spritzer.  Or it can be done at night while you're relaxing.

Summary - DIY Lemon And Lavender Foot Spritzer

Lemons contain a number of natural healing properties which enhance hair and skin.  Lemons are sought after by many beauty experts for their alpha hydroxy acid and citric acids.

Lemons are often used as ingredients in a myriad of  famous high end products because they balance the pH of skin while adding natural softness and a beautiful glow.

Whether you try the DIY Lemon And Lavender Foot Spritzer or the lemon exfoliation foot treatment, lemons can bring a completely new opportunity to experience all natural beauty in your own home.  Enjoy!

Note:  For additional lemon beauty recipes visit the Limoneira Company's website.  Limoneria is the largest provider of lemons in the country.

Blog Dedication:  This blog which demonstrates how to take sour lemons and turn them into beauty tools, is dedicated to my dear friend Rick Yager on his birthday. Rick lives the famous message "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade."  His upbeat,  can-do attitude combined with his easy ability to take any sour situation and turn it into something sweet inspires me on a daily basis.  Thank you Rick.  Here's wishing you a new year full of everything sweet life has to offer.

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