DIY Spa Recipes
One of the most important DIY spa recipes everyone should have is a good scrub.
They're easy to make and can be stored for re-use in the refrigerator.
DIY Spa Pedicure
Follow the steps below to perform your own DIY spa pedicure:
1. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of almond oil to about 3 quarts of extremely warm water.
2. Soak your feet for about 10 to 15 minutes to soften the skin.3. While soaking feet, gently massage away any calluses or hard skin with a pumice stone.
4. Be sure to keep your feet and the pumice stone wet.5. When your feet are smooth, pat them dry with a towel.
6. Trim all of the toenails. Always be sure to cut straight across to prevent ingrown toenails.
7. Use an emery board to smooth out sharp or tough edges.8. Soften cuticles with jojoba oil or almond oil. Use orange wood stick to gently push back cuticles.
9. Use a buffer shine nails and increase circulation.10. Apply a soothing lotion and gently massage your feet.
Your feet should look and feel beautiful.
Calendua DIY Foot Scrub
Calendula is a wonderful herb.
When the oil is combined with other essential oils and sea salt is makes a wonderful DIY scrub.
This concoction smells fabulous with a rich citrusy aroma.
Calendula oil is still used medicinally.
The oil is used as an anti-inflammatory, an anti-tumor agent, and a remedy for healing wounds.
Ingredients - Calendua DIY Foot Scrub
1 to 2 tablespoons sea salt
1 tablespoons Calendula oil3 drops orange essential oil
2 drops peppermint essential oilJuice of 1 fresh lemon
Instructions - Calendua DIY Foot Scrub
- In a small bowl, combine sea salt with the essential oils and juice from the lemon until the salt is evenly hydrated.
- Soak your feet in a basin of very warm water to relax and soften the skin.- After 5-10 minutes of soaking your feet, pat dry with a clean towel.
- Gently massage scrub into your feet for 5 minutes.
- Pay special attention to all rough and callused areas.- When finished with the scrub application, rinse the feet with warm water and pat dry.
- Put on clean warm cotton socks to continue softening feet.Note: Optionally you can also use the scrub on dry skin on elbows, arms, legs and hands.
Summary - DIY Spa Recipes
Spa treatments are still quite popular, but can be time consuming and expensive.
Some of the most desirable spa treatments such as pedicures complete with scrubs can be easily copied at home for a significantly lower cost.Please follow us on Twitter at: I look forward to meeting new people from all walks of Twitter and learning from their Tweets.