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Celebrities Who Fight Their Hair

Introduction - Celebrities Who Fight Their Hair

Taylor Swift With Mary J. Blige On NBC Today Show - NBC - All Rights Reserved Taylor Swift With Mary J. Blige On NBC Today Show - NBC - All Rights Reserved

When adoring fans see their favorite celebrities on The Red Carpet, performing on TV. or in similar venues, their hair usually looks picture perfect.

Most celebrities have some of the best hairstylists on their speed dial.

The stylists make sure any hair challenges are addressed and their famous clients looks amazing for any appearances.

The reality is without the help of those amazing celebrity hairstylists, many celebrities who fight their hair have shared their strand challenges.

Listed below are celebrities who fight their hair and have been quoted about their tresses:

Taylor Swift Hated Her Curls

Taylor Swift has given interviews in the past where she confessed to hating her curls when she was in middle school.

Why?  All the popular girls had bone straight strands and Tay felt left out.

She temporarily straightened her hair to hide her texture.  Ultimately she embraced her natural curls and waves which her fans now adore.

Kourtney Kardashian Was Jealous Of Her Sisters

The Kardashian sister confessed to being jealous of her sisters.  She told the media her hair is not nearly as wavy or naturally textured as her sisters and "sometimes it made her jealous."

Of course Kourtney's sister Kim not only has beautiful wavy hair, over the past few years she's grabbed headlines by going blonde.  Kourt's other sister, Khloe, made a huge media splash when she went red.  Meanwhile Kourtney Kardashian seems to be much more conservative with the colors and styles she adopts for her dark brunette tresses.

Vanessa Hudgens Had So Much Hair It Hid Her Face

Mary Margaret Or Snow White On ABC's Once Upon A Time - ABC - All Rights Reserved Mary Margaret Or Snow White On ABC's Once Upon A Time - All Rights Reserved

The raven haired beauty has been quoted in the media as saying "my hair's always been so long and wavy that it just hid my face."

The actress who became famous as Gabriella Montez in High School Musical has been undergoing lots of experimentation with her formerly long waves and curls.

Over the past year she's gone a lot shorter, added an array of hair extensions to add back some length and recently appeared at a Hearst Magazine event with her hair styled with an array of dip dyed ends.

Her hair no long hides her face.  If anything the way the actress wears her hair has shifted focus in a major way.

Ginnifer Goodwin

Ginnifer Goodwin is living a fairy tale both on and off screen.

The actress currently plays Snow White on ABC's Once Upon A Time and is recently engaged to her on-screen love interest, Josh Dallas, who plays Prince Charming.

Although she is playing a bona fide princess, her hair is very short.  The actress has been very outspoken about her own hair challenges.

She's been quoted as saying "I really am super lazy and doing long hair, especially mine, is a big pain in the butt.  It's filled with cowlicks and kinks and curls and frizz - and it was taking too much time in the morning."

The actress who won many fans on TV's Big Love as Margene Heffman reportedly has a special clause in her acting contracts which allows her to wear wigs if long hair is required.

Megan Park - Curly Hair Envy - ABC Family - All Rights Reserved Megan Park - Curly Hair Envy - ABC Family - All Rights Reserved

The newly engaged actress has been very outspoken about keeping her natural hair is short as possible.

Willow Smith

The daughter of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith has already grabbed headlines for her various hair journeys.

When she cut it all off at one point she was quoted as saying "I cut it off, but with hair like mine, growing it out is not so good."

Megan Park

The beautiful blonde former co-star of ABC Family's Secret Life Of The American Teenager has been very vocal about not loving her naturally straight thick hair when she was growing up.

Eventually she made peace with her hair and embraced the many advantages she enjoyed with her hair type and texture.

She told Twist Magazine in the past "people always want to change (their) hair to what they don't have.

Summary - Celebrities Who Fight Their Hair

Even celebrities who usually have access to some of the very hair stylists in the world have their own challenges with their tresses.  Celebrities who fight their hair share many of the same issues as non-celebrities.

The next time you are struggling with your own tresses remember that you're no alone on your hair journey.


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