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Married At First Hair Sight

Married At First Hair Sight

MarriedAtFirstSight-9_250h Cortney Hendrix And Jason Carrion - FYI's Married At First Sight - ©2014, A&E Television Networks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

One of the primary reasons I watched FYI's splashy new reality TV show about marriage was to check out everyone's tresses.

For me it was Married At First Hair Sight hair curiosity.

Although common prejudices about certain types of hair (thinning, naturally textured, graying tresses) have changed drastically over the past 25 years.

I was curious to see if any of the six people in FYI's "social experiment" had hair which might be considered unacceptable in some situations.

The premise of the show is that none of the three couples meet each other until the moment they're about to get married.

Each couple was carefully picked for each other by a team of professional experts from a pool of approximately 50 people.

JamieOtis-10_250h Beautiful Bride Jamie Otis - FYI's Married At First Sight - ©2014, A&E Television Networks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The experts? A highly regarded psychologist, sociologist, sexologist and spiritual adviser.

Was Hair One Of The Pre-Wedding Deal Breakers?

The show made a bid point of discussing how each of the six people in the three marriages were allowed to list absolute deal breakers.

I was curious, were any of the deal breakers tied to hair type, texture, length or color.

Were the three brides allowed to list thinning hair as a no-no?

Were the grooms allowed to designate the desired color, length and texture of their future brides?

Although I watched all three of the episodes very carefully and the deal breaker topic was discussed, I did not hear any reference to hair issues.

Jamie Otis And Doug Hehner

All three of the brides are stunning and although they have very different hair types, textures, lengths and styles, their styles seemed perfect from each of them.

Registered nurse Jamie Otis who is a Bachelor alum is a beautiful brunette with long lush tresses.

The grooms were all very attractive in their own rights although the Doug, the groom picked for Jamie, had fine blonde hair, which might be classified as thinning in some circles.

Doug-11_250h Doug Hehner - FYI's Married At First Sight - ©2014, A&E Television Networks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

When Jamie first laid eyes on Doug, her unguarded reaction to her groom showed crushing regret.

The waterworks started to flow. In fact, the unhappy bride was filmed sobbing into the hair of her flower girl.

Was it Doug's hair? Or was it something else which made her proclaim her lack of attraction to the man she ultimately married?

Cortney Hendrix And Jason Carrion

Neither Cortney who is an adorable blonde nor Jason who has a great head of well groomed curls had any reason for Married At First Hair Sight regrets.

Of the three couples matched for marriage, Cortney and Jason seemed to have the best instant chemistry.

They also both seemed very excited about their new marriage partners and by the end of the evening seemed to be enjoying themselves and communicating.

Hair was definitely not an issue, at least in any obvious way for the make-up artist and her future fire fighter husband.

MonetBell12_250h Monet Bell - FYI's Married At First Sight - ©2014, A&E Television Networks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Monet Bell And Vaughn Copeland

Monet Bell appears to have naturally textured hair from interviews she did before the actual nuptials. Monet chose to wear her short hair and in a more traditional softly curled bridal style.

The bride also wore a very elegant short veil which worked in perfect harmony with her bridal hairdo.

Vaughn who had a shaved head, appeared to be very pleased with Monet as she walked down the altar towards him.

Although extremely nervous, Monet also seemed to be happy with the man the match making experts selected to be her husband.

Hair did not seem to be an issue for either Monet or Vaughn.

FYI Had A Great Team Of Match Making Experts

I'm a huge fan of one of the experts - Dr. Pepper Schwartz - and have the utmost respect for her work. The only question I might ask FYI about their team of experts was why they didn't have an astrologer on the team?

Having studied astrology since I was in my teens, I believe it might have added an extra plus to the final pairings and maybe minimized some potential long term issues.

Summary - Married At First Hair Sight

Vaughn-13_250h Vaughn Copeland - FYI's Married At First Sight - ©2014, A&E Television Networks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Which brings back the question about Jamie and Doug.  Was Doug's hair a key part of Jamie's stated lack of attraction for her hand picked spouse?

Will Jamie ever confess exactly what she didn't like about Doug's appearance?

Although people don't want to admit what a large part hair plays in physical attractiveness, the reality is that it's definitely important.

In today's world it's considered by many to be unkind or insensitive to judge a person based on their hair.

Some people don't want to hear how hair plays a part in a person's attractiveness, but it does, although not everyone will freely admit to their true feelings about a prospective mate's  hair.

As the FYI series continues, maybe we will find out what were the deal breakers each couple listed to the experts and what part hair played in those lists.

I can't wait to see how the series progresses and whether the couples remain married at the end.

What do you think?  Is this a crazy reality show or does it have some merit for today's singles?

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