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What's Wrong With Susan Miller?

What's Wrong With Susan Miller?

Astrology_300h Astrology - Wikipedia - All Rights Reserved

Susan Miller is a very controversial astrologer.  She's the creator of which has millions of worldwide fans.  Recently there's been an outcry of what's wrong with Susan Miller.

It seems she's been under attack for being late, if not altogether absent, with her regular forecasts.  New York Magazine's Kat Stoeffel recently wrote an article - What's Wrong With Susan Miller - covering the growing anti-Miller faction due to her late monthly predictions.

Stoeffel pointed out that Miller, who hand writes all 48,000+ words of her monthly forecasts, has been suffering from chronic illness which some of her fans question.

Ms. Stoeffel noted the astrologer has been accused of abandoning her fans, lying about her illness, unprofessionalism and in general just plain jerking them around

I don't know Susan Miller, have never read her monthly forecasts, nor have any axes to grind.  I do have personal experience with Susan Miller's plight.

A Personal Astrological Journey

I've been studying astrology since I was 15 years old when I was desperately seeking answers to why my high school crush, wasn't falling for my charms.

Saturn-14_300h Saturn in natural color, photographed by Cassini, 2004 -

It turned out my Cancer Sun and Pisces Moon was square to his Libra Sun and Gemini Moon.

Astrology gave me the first set of answers and was the beginning of my lifelong love of the stars.

During my initial astrological quest I learned casting charts is extremely complicated.  Astrology, in its broadest sense, is the search for meaning in the sky.

Is Astrology Science, Art, Superstition Or A Combo?

Unfortunately there is no unified common theory upon which astrologers based their views on exactly what that meaning is.  Is astrology science, art, superstition or a combination of all of the above?

I've drawn up many thousands of charts over the course of the past 48 years.

Nevertheless,  after years of doing charts professionally, I went underground with my chart casting because of the intense responsibility and unrelenting pressure astrological knowledge brings with it.

Sadly, no matter how hard you try, you can't please all of the people all of the time.

The Moon The Moon -

Susan Miller reportedly hand casts and writes every single monthly prediction for the millions of people who read her predictions,  This fact alone is beyond mind blowing.

The responsibility and pressure to balance planetary trends and present them in a well formulated prediction which would have relevance or significance for millions of people is miraculous.

Susan Miller's Chart

After reading the attacks against Susan Miller, I decided to take a peek at her chart to see what might be happening to the obviously very talented astrological counselor.

Based on a chart presented by Jamie Partridge in May of 2012, Susan is a Pisces  with 15 degrees of Gemini on her ascendant and Moon in Virgo.  Her natal sixth house of service to others and work, has 2 degrees of Scorpio on the cusp.

Natal Jupiter is in Susan's sixth house at 27 degrees of Scorpio, co-ruled by Mars positioned in Pisces in her 10th house of career and Pluto, in her 3rd house of writing and communication.

Pluto-15_300h Image Of Pluto -

There are many astrological indicators which point to Susan's very successful career as a beloved astrologer, writer and counselor.

Susan Miller's Current Astrological Transits

Looking at Susan's current planetary transits paints a clear picture of her current struggles.

Is Susan really ill?

Yes, it's most likely she is suffering from several physical challenges due to the current transit of Saturn through her sixth house of work, health and ability to provide service to others.

In addition to a gnarly long Saturn transit, a powerful Solar Eclipse which occurred on April 29, 2014, at 8 degrees and 52 minutes of Taurus made close contact with Susan's natal Pluto in her 3rd house.  Pluto is the co-ruler of Susan's sixth house of health.

Transiting Saturn In Susan's Sixth House From October 6, 2012 - November 11, 2017

On October 6, 2012 transiting Saturn moved into the sign of Scorpio.  On October 24, 2012 transiting Saturn moved into Susan's 6th house triggering a square with her natal 3rd house Saturn at 2 degrees of Leo and her natal Venus as 2 degrees of Aquarius in her 9th house.

Jupiter-16_300h Jupiter -

Susan's natal Saturn in her 3rd house is exactly opposite her natal Venus in Aquarius in her 9th house.  Capricorn is on the cusp of Susan's 9th house.

Saturn Is The A Key Planet Of Challenges

Historically Saturn is a key planet of challenges for the brilliant astrologer.  Renowned astrologer Robert Hand notes in the book, The Astrology of Crisis, that ancient astrologers defined the 6th house as the house of slavery and sickness.

Although the use of slavery is wildly politically incorrect in current times, ancient astrologers placed significant importance on the bondage Saturn placed on its subjects in the house where it was residing by transit.

Not only did transiting Saturn move into Susan's 6th house of health, work and service, triggering a major square between her 3rd and 9th house planets, it triggered a 5 year extremely challenging journey lasting until November 11, 2017.

Transiting Saturn Conjunct Natal Jupiter

On November 27, 2014, transiting Saturn makes a direct contact with Susan's natal Jupiter in her 6th house.  Jupiter is in Scorpio ruler of her 6th house.

Saturn-14_300hAlthough some astrologers may not agree, transiting Saturn making a conjunction to natal Jupiter may actually magnify any health, work or services related challenges.  

Saturn, Neptune And Pluto Oh My!

No matter how much energy you expend to deal with a long Saturn transit, it just doesn’t seem to be enough.

Besides the long and trying transit of Saturn through Susan Miller's house of health and work, she experienced a major Solar Eclipse in the spring of 2014.

Transiting Neptune, the co-ruler of Susan's natal sun in her 10th house of career has been making connections with her natal Mars while making a long journey through her 10th house.  Neptune brings confusion, illusion and delusions.

Transiting Pluto has been moving through her 8th house in Capricorn adding it's own spin to her current challenges.

Moon Phases Progression - Wikipedia Moon Phases Progression - Wikipedia

Summary - What's Wrong With Susan Miller?

I have no doubt Susan Miller has been battling a series of illnesses, personal blockages, work challenges and ongoing issues.

I also have no doubt after spending time digging around her natal chart that she is truly an astrological goddess who loves her many readers, fans and lifelong clients.

It's not really surprising some of her fans have turned into her harshest critics questioning her professionalism, wellness and motives.  All of these actions are clearly spelled out by her ongoing astrological transits.

Although I don't know Susan Miller, after studying her chart I've developed great respect for her love of astrology and willingness to put herself into the public eye to help and counsel the masses.

Kudos to Susan Miller for her dedication to an extremely challenging and at times, very unrewarding, profession.

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