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YouTube Natural Hair Debate

YouTube Natural Hair Debate

Yaya Alafia Natural Hair Knot - PR Photos - All Rights Reserved Yaya Alafia Natural Hair Knot - PR Photos - All Rights Reserved

According to the BBC, a YouTube Natural Hair Debate is currently raging online.

The music video, which has been described as a spoof, is about a man's horrified reaction to his girlfriend's decision to get a super short chop and go natural.

Thousands Of Reactions To Spoofing Natural Hair

A link to the music video has been viewed millions of times on Facebook triggering thousands of reactions,

Although initially described as humor based, the video has generated a lot of anger.

ChaleyRose-10_350h Chaley Rose - Nashville - - All Rights Reserved

Teasing can often cause hurt feelings, anger and emotional damage.

Negative Natural Hair Message

Such is the case with TopRopeZeus, the YouTube character crooning to his on-screen African American girlfriend "baby, where is your hair?  Why you cut your hair?"

Hair can be a very personal matter and should never be teased about.

Also, the meaning of this song, spoof or not, sends a negative message about anyone who wears their hair in a natural hairstyle.

Hair worn to showcase the natural texture is beautiful.  It shouldn't be teased about in any manner.

Joining The Natural Team

Top Rope Zeus aka Zeus Campbell, 27, from Norfolk, Virgina, indicates his displeasure at his girlfriend going short and joining "the natural team."

Campbell displays an attitude on the video which could definitely be viewed as hurtful and offensive, not only to black women, but anyone who honors their natural hair texture.

The movement to honor personal pride in natural hair in today's society has made great gains over the past five years.

Tawney Cyprus - Unforgettable - CBS - All Rights Reserved Tawney Cyprus - Unforgettable - CBS - All Rights Reserved

Many women struggle with how they fit with the definition of ideal beauty.  Embracing and loving your own natural hair often is at the forefront for this angst.

Blackish on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Nicole Wilder) TRACEE ELLIS ROSS, ANTHONY ANDERSON -  ABC Medianet - All Rights Reserved Blackish on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Nicole Wilder) TRACEE ELLIS ROSS, ANTHONY ANDERSON - ABC Medianet - All Rights Reserved

Natural hair is beautiful, regardless of race.

Top Rope Zeus Claims No Offense To Women With Natural Hair

The video maker specializes in YouTube relationship sketches.  He claims he intended no offense, only that he's wants to give women "the honest male view."

Campbell, 27, from Norfolk, Virginia said "I was noticing a lot of women on the internet cutting their hair off, randomly - going 'natural."

The YouTube video maker noted "It became this hashtag thing: #teamnatural. And I was making a statement that there's nothing wrong with being natural - that's great, if that's what you want to do."

He said "But there's many different styles of natural hair.  Not every woman looks good with the same style."

Do Men Agree Natural Hair Can Be Ugly?

Some of the men commenting are agreeing with Top Rope Zeus' contentious declaration that the natural look can be "ugly", but many are also saying that black women should be free to leave their hair unbraided and untreated without facing criticism.

YARA SHAHIDI - ABC MediaNet - All Rights Reserved "black-ish," ABC Television Network. (ABC/Nicole Wilder) YARA SHAHIDI - ABC MediaNet - All Rights Reserved
"black-ish," ABC Television Network. (ABC/Nicole Wilder)

"Here's the thing about black women - their hair is a very sensitive topic," Campbell says.

He noted "I completely understand the conversation it's driving. I wrote it that way to provoke conversation. And a lot of women commenting say 'I'm natural and I think it's funny'."

Summary - YouTube Natural Hair Debate

Should most African-American women go natural?  Of course everyone should wear their hair they way they feel best.

Personally, I think there is nothing more beautiful than any woman with natural hair.

Wearing it to honor its natural texture isn't going natural, it's being authentically natural.

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