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10 Best Diet Rules

10 Best Diet Rules

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Almost everyone in their lifetime - male or female - decide to drop a few pounds.

List Of 10 Best Diet Rules

Anyone looking to reduce their weight will benefit from the following 10 best diet rules:

1.  Drink a minimum of 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

2. When possible, during the course of your weight loss program, eliminate all alcohol.

3.  Eat plenty of fresh veggies.  What matters most is the foods you select, your total daily caloric consumption and  how many hours a day you have an eating window.

4. Eat a balanced diet including healthy carbs.  Minimize sugar from highly processed foods and carbs. Avoid foods high in gluten.  Studies have shown excess sugar is stored as fat.

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5.  Strive to consume healthy saturated fats such as lean meats, fish, nuts and foods such as avocado.

6.  Minimize the coffee you drink.  Large doses of coffee cause the small blood cells to narrow and it thought by some experts to discourage healthy weight loss.

7.  Limit or eliminate foods with sweeteners, additives and artificial coloring.

8.  Minimize or eliminate salt.  Avoid salty foods and quite sprinkling salt on your food.

9.  Eat fruit only as a snack and never with meals.  All ow two hours between eating fruit and a meal. 

10.  Avoid eating proteins and carbohydrates together at the same time.  Experts believe this will help the digestive system function properly.

Additional Best Diet Rules To Consider

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A.  No one meal is more important than any other.  While some diet experts believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day, this may only be true for some people.  If you love breakfast and usually eat it, then do so.  Otherwise, eat at the times you are hungry.

B.  Eat whatever time of the day you wish, just don't overeat.  Studies have shown eating too many calories per day, will cause weight gain, regardless of when they are consumed.

C.  It doesn't matter whether you eat one meal per day or a series of small ones.  The bottom line is how many calories you consume.

D.  Take the appropriate amount of Vitamin D for your age and body weight (2,000 to 3,000 IU is the healthiest recommended range).  When people have a balanced Vitamin D concentration, they tend to maintain a lower overall weight.

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E.  Exercise on an empty stomach, but make sure you're well rested and hydrated.

F.  Short fasts of 12-16 hours in one day or one day per month can be very beneficial for accelerated weight loss and improved health.

G.  Carefully read labels.  Sugar and other unhealthy food additives can be cloaked in unusual ingredient labels.

H.  Unless you have specific health problems, you can never eat too much protein. The more protein you eat, the more you burn.

Summary - 10 Best Diet Rules

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I first read about the 10 best diet rules in the late 1990s.   Over time I have modified the rules listed above which work best for my body.

Although there are literally hundreds of thousands of  diets available to try, it's important to create your own 10 best diet rules which work for you and stick with them.

If you do, the weight will melt right off.


The content(s) of this blog and are for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition before undertaking any new food plan or dietary program. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the website.

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