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Hugging Your Way To Faster Hair Growth

Hugging Your Way To Faster Hair Growth

Hugging Your Way To Faster Hair Growth - Close Up Of Two Friends Hugging - HB Media - All Rights Reserved Hugging Your Way To Faster Hair Growth - Close Up Of Two Friends Hugging - HB Media - All Rights Reserved

Although it's only one of many ways to achieve measurable results, hugging your way to faster hair growth does provide possible follicle growth acceleration benefits.

How?  According to Dr. Scott Haltzman, M.D. in (Woman's World Magazine, 4/12/10) "physical contact increases levels of oxytocin, a calming brain chemical."

Oxytocin - The Love Hormone

Two dominant theories explain the role of oxytocin (Oxt) discovered in 1952, as an agent for the ultimate reduction of fear and anxiety.

Scientists believe the simple act of hugging another person or stroking a pet for just 20 seconds triggers oxytocin which changes brain chemistry reducing anxiety.

The peripheral actions of oxytocin mainly reflect secretion from the pituitary gland.

Behavioral effects of oxytocin are thought to reflect release from centrally projecting oxytocin neurons.

These are different from those that project to the pituitary gland, or that are collaterals from them.

Anxiety And Hair Growth Challenges

Couple hugging with eyes closed at home Hugging Your Way To Faster Hair Growth - Couple Hugging With Eyes Closed At Home

Anxiety often concentrated in the neck and shoulders may restrict blood vessels resulting in potential hair loss, thinning, balding or stalled hair growth.

Being overly anxious (worries, fearful, apprehensive) may trigger a wide range of physical issues.  These include, but aren't limited to chronic headaches, insomnia, scalp tension, tightness and possible restricted blood flow to the hair roots.

Stress and tension is often concentrated in the neck and shoulders, where it can restrict blood vessels.

Scalp Tightness And Extended Periods Of Stress

Extended periods of stress may cause scalp tightness to the extent where it becomes so severe, the skull becomes rigid.

An extremely tight scalp not only hinders circulation to the hair bulbs, it restricts the absorption of necessary hair nutrients (particularly B vitamins) while prevent the elimination of any toxins.

A tight scalp hinders the natural biological functions which may lead to Fibrosis, the premature aging of the collagenic and elastinic fibers.  Blood and lymphatic circulation, the elimination of toxins and nutritional supplies are all restricted when the scalp is so tight it doesn't have normal movement.

Hugging Your Way To Faster Hair Growth - Hair Follicles - Wikipedia - All Rights Reserved Hugging Your Way To Faster Hair Growth - Hair Follicles - Wikipedia - All Rights Reserved

Good blood circulation in the scalp is essential for hair growth, as new hair requires nutrients carried by the blood. If the blood flow is restricted this can have an impact on new or sustained hair growth.

Summary - Hugging Your Way To Faster Hair Growth

Scientists and hair experts have repeatedly demonstrated how increased and sustained production of stress triggered adrenaline drains the body of nutrients.  The lost nutrients are the the same ones necessary for growing and maintaining healthy hair.

When you feel your scalp tightening or stress flooding through your body, ask an appropriate loved one for a hug of anxiety busting support.    What have you got to lose?

Note:  If you decide to test the effectiveness of a hug triggered flood of oxytocin be sure to always ask permission first.  Not everyone enjoys hugging.  Others may feel uncomfortable if hugged spontaneously.  Some school and work places have strict rules against hugging since it may be considered inappropriate for a number of reasons.













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