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Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck

Star Crossed Celebrity Lovers - Ben Affleck And Jennifer Lopez

As of May 2021 the International Media is having a celebrity feeding frenzy about the reported reuniting of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, dubbed by the press as Bennifer.

Are they just friends providing mutual comfort after painful romantic endings, or will this be a true romance?

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - Image Of Ben Affleck at 2017 Comic Con - Image Courtesy Of Gage Skidmore - Wikipedia Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - Image Of Ben Affleck at 2017 Comic Con - Image Courtesy Of Gage Skidmore - Wikipedia

Although the famous Super Couple/love match ended in separation, heartbreak and marriages to other celebrities, many fans always hoped the star crossed lovers would unit.

It's been reported that Ben Affleck reached out to Jennifer earlier in 2021 by writing her letters.

Even though Ben and Jen were both involved in other relationships, they both ended those.

Now, as of May 2021, the long lost lovers are reportedly back together after being apart for nearly 20 years.

A Lasting Romance Or Not?

Will the second time around for Ben and Jen lead to a lasting love connection?

When looking at any couple from an astrological viewpoint it's important to look at each individual person as well as their combined charts.

The planets which are most significant in a love relationship involves the Moon (for a man), Venus (love) and Mars (sexual attraction).

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck at Grauman's Chinese Theatre - Hollywood, CA - 11-28-05 - Premiere of "The Kid & I" - DC Media - "Hollywood, CA

Also critical are the 5th natal house of love and romance along with the 7th house of marriage and partnerships.

My study of the Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 will be written in three parts looking at Ben, Jennifer and then their composite astrological signatures.

This is the first part of the series where I look at Ben Affleck's natal chart.

The Natal Chart Of Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck (Benjamin Géza Affleck-Boldt) was born on Tuesday, August 15, 1972 at 2:53 am in Berkeley, California.

Sun In Leo, Cancer Ascendant, Moon in Scorpio With Pisces Midheaven

Although Ben's Sun sign is Leo like Jennifer's, it's extremely important to note that Ben has 8 degrees of Cancer on his Ascendant.

His MidHeaven is 19 degrees of Pisces.  Pisces is co-ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune.

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - Natal Chart With Aspects Of Ben Affleck - Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - Natal Chart With Aspects Of Ben Affleck -

Cancer's ruler is the Moon.

Ben's natal Moon is in super secretive Scorpio in his 5th house of love and romance.

What You See Isn't What You Get

Ben is an extremely complex man who has very deep emotions which are completely hidden from the outside world.

With his Cancer Ascendant, Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio in the 12th house and Pisces  Midheaven he's sentimental and a romantic.

Trust Issues

He also takes a very long time to trust anyone.  If he ever does.

Once Ben truly trusts someone, which is not easy for him, if that person also captures his heart, he never really lets them go.

He loves to revisit the past, reminisce about  good times and channel lots of nostalgia.  Ben's Cancer Ascendant and his ruler in Scorpio make him an extremely private person.

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - Natal Chart With Aspects Of Ben Affleck - Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - Natal Chart With Aspects Of Ben Affleck -

If anyone betrays him either accidentally or on purpose, he can forgive, but it's highly unlikely he will ever be able to forget.

Leo Shines In The Spotlight

It's a well-known fact that Leo Sun sign people are known to be the superstars of the zodiac who shine in the spotlight.

Ben's Sun is in Leo, but Ben's Ascendant in Cancer indicates an ultimate homebody who shuns the bright lights of Hollywood.  He loves to build a cozy nest with a special love.

One of the reasons Ben and Jennifer Lopez claimed they delayed their wedding in 2003 was excessive and unrelenting media attention.

Venus In Cancer in The Twelfth House

All of that constant attention focused on his romance must have seriously upset the naturally reclusive Ben.

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - January 11, 1998: President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton hosting a screening of “Good Will Hunting” at Camp David< Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - January 11, 1998: President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton hosting a screening of “Good Will Hunting” at Camp David

With his Sun in Leo square his Neptune, co-ruling his 10th house of reputation, the actor struggles to successfully navigate public and private personas.

Ben's love planet, in his 12 house of secrets is ruling his 5th house of love affairs.  He needs to keep his love relationships on the down low as much as possible.

The more his love relationships are out in the public eye or in the media, the more at risk his love relationship may become for long term survival.

The Ultimate Homebody With Privacy Needs

As a highly successful celebrity, having a relationship with an International star like Jennifer Lopez had to have made his need for privacy  extremely difficult.

Venus in Cancer in the 12th house loves security, safety and family.  Ben is the ultimate homebody and needs a home to call his own.

This is a person who is very different with close friends and family than in the public eye.  He's sensitive, caring and compassionate.

Movie Nights At Home Instead Of A Public Movie Previews

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA: May 2, 2021 - Ben Affleck backstage during Global Citizen VAX LIVE: The Concert To Reunite The World at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California. Global Citizen VAX LIVE: Photo Courtesy of Global Citizen

A movie night at home with a loved one and a bowl of old fashioned buttered popcorn would be ideal for Ben whose 12th house Cancer Venus needs quiet, solitude and time for themselves.

Venus in Cancer - Ben's Love Planet

Ben is the ultimate nurturer of his loved ones.  His natal Venus makes both positive and challenging aspects to his other planets.

Because his natal Venus is hidden in his 12th house of secrets, the loving, nurturing side of him is hidden.  Venus is the co-ruler of Ben's 4th and 11th houses.

Ongoing Challenges With All His Women

Although he has a an easy Venus (love) trine Moon (women) and Venus is conjunct his Ascendant, he has some ongoing challenges with love and all the women in his life ranging from his mother to his daughters.

His natal Venus is semisquare his Sun, opposite Jupiter, square Uranus and square Pluto (co-ruler of his Moon).  These very challenging aspects are detailed in the following sections.

Venus semisquare Sun

Many astrologers consider the semisquare to be a minor aspect.

Since it involves Ben's love planet it is worth considering.  This aspect can indicate self-esteem issues or difficulties in realizing one's true potentials.  It also indicates obstacles with the ability to maintain willpower.

He may struggle throughout his lifetime with the ability to say no to others or to self-destructive habits.  Venus is love, money and can be hedonistic pleasures or the need for overindulgence.

Ben Affleck on Steven Colbert - 2017 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and guest Ben Affleck during Thursday's November 16, 2017 show. Photo: Scott Kowalchyk/CBS ©2017 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The involvement with his natal Sun, ties to his father.  This indicate addiction patterns acquired as a child living with his alcoholic dad.

Losing Life's Opportunities & Deep Regrets

There's a tendency on his part to lose life opportunities due to an unwillingness to give up personal freedom, pleasures or habits.

Ben also has a tendency to live with deep regrets over his former actions.

After his divorce from actress Jennifer Garner, the mother of his three children Ben was quoted in 202 the media as saying it was "the biggest regret of my life" and "a painful experience, even if you're on the best possible terms and you agree it's the best choice."

Assortment Of Inner Demons

Irritations which seem to stem from other people in his life could be the reflection of his own inner discomfort, deep self dislike and assortment of demons.

Ben most likely struggles with controlling yearnings for more, more, more. No matter how much he achieves, accomplishes or has in his life, he's always looking for greener pastures.

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - BeBen Affleck with Jimmy Kimmel - during Global Citizen VAX LIVE: INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA: May 2, 2021 - Ben Affleck with Jimmy Kimmel - during Global Citizen VAX LIVE: The Concert To Reunite The World at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California. Global Citizen VAX LIVE: Photo Courtesy of Global Citizen

This can be very difficult for most love partners to handle throughout the relationship.

Venus trine Moon

Venus conjunct Ascendant

Ben's secret soft side oozes natural charm. He's brilliantly imaginative and highly creative. It's no accident he remains the youngest writer (at age 25) to ever win an Oscar for screenwriting.

Naturally sympathetic to others Ben easily handles negotiations and mediation.  Keenly aware of his need for deep personal relationships and true intimacy,  he's friendly, diplomatic and shows others strategic views of his tender heart.

Natural Ability To Attract Highly Sought After Women

He has a well-developed respect for feminine qualities. Although not obvious to the outside world, he tends to be able to channel his softer, sympathetic side in a most natural manner which takes nothing away from his manliness.

People have often wondered how he's been able to attract some of the most beautiful, talented, successful and richest women in the world as lovers.

Venus trine the Moon is part of his secret.  The Moon in Scorpio is also usually indicative of a very intense, sensuous and skilled lover.

Venus opposite Jupiter

This points to difficulties and ongoing challenges in long term romances or with long-lasting commitments.

Ben may at times become self focused, inadvertently taking advantage of others, but getting upset when the same is done to him.

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - 2017 - Photo: Scott Kowalchyk/CBS ©2017 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and guest Ben Affleck during Thursday's November 16, 2017 show. Photo: Scott Kowalchyk/CBS ©2017 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.

With Moon in Scorpio he has deep trust issues.  He's constantly testing others to confirm their loyalty, but balks if anyone does the same to him.

Venus square Uranus

Ben's issues involving long term commitments in relationships stem from a strong need for personal independence (Uranus) and alone time.

He may have a difficult time following the rules of traditional societal and/or moral standards which apply to marriage or intimate relationships.

Venus rules love, money and how Ben rates himself.  His constant need for personal freedom, along with a need for simulation and excitement can be challenging in any type of relationship.

It can cause instability and distrust in relationships, values and beliefs.

Need For Freedom

Ben hates being tied down or smothered.  He might only agree to that type of relationship if he was in the throes of an attack of poor self-image loneliness or deep regret over lost loves.

He might try to fit in or live up to the expectation of lovers, family and friends, but will ultimately struggle.

If things become too difficult he might bolt suddenly or drown his sorrows in drink, gambling, drugs or other mind numbing habits.

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - Arrmageddon Premiere in 1998 Ben Affleck with Michael Bay and Liv Tyler at the Armageddon premiere in 1998 - June 9, 1998 - Wikipedia - Source: Author NASA or National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Making Peace With Living Alone

Ben must try to make peace with living alone rather than being in an unhappy relationship to avoid being lonely.

It's imperative he find a partner who is open-minded, unorthodox, unpredictable and exciting.  Ben craves a life partner who encourages his uniqueness while also being unique in their own right.

Ben Affleck Needs A Relationship Built On Freedom

He needs a committed relationship with mutual freedom, trust, honesty and integrity. Ben craves a woman who totally gets him, understands him and is able to be there for him while he continues to find himself.

Experimentation in the bedroom would provide Ben with the extra stimulation he needs to remain satisfied and content over the long term in a committed relationship.

If he can't find those qualities in one person, he needs a partner who gives him permission to wander, as long as he promises to always return to them.

Constantly Testing

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA.World premiere release of "Armageddon"L-R Peter Stormare, director Michael Bay, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Ken Campbell, Billy Bob Thornton, Bruce Willis, Steve Buscemi, producer Jerry Bruckheimer & Jessica Steen. The screening was held in a theater specially constructed at the Apollo/Saturn V Center at the Kennedy Space Center.

Testing and challenging the rules of sexuality and relationship dynamics also provide the thrills and excitement he desires.

Ben can be incredibly impulsive, fun and spontaneous, but this may be difficult for a committed love life and his ongoing financial resources.

Just as relationships can start and end in a flash, he may experience dramatic ups and down with his finances.

Venus square Pluto

Ben's ongoing intensity of feeling may complicate close relationships.  He may come on too intense.  When he falls deeply in love he may secretly panic at the thought of being hurt or abandoned.

As a result he may come on too intense or seem overly controlling, overbearing, possessive, jealous or at times, when under substance abuse he may become threatening or frightening.

Ben's Love Lessons

The lesson for Ben with deep love relationships is to learn to transform and transition.  He must learn to avoid hiding his fears, vulnerability, negative, destructive and controlling behaviors.

Trust is critical and it is absolutely imperative that Ben learn to share his deepest, darkest feelings and fear with the person he falls deeply in love with.

Jennifer Garner divulges Ben Affleck's parenting skills to Jimmy Fallon - NBC - All Rights Reserved Jennifer Garner divulges Ben Affleck's parenting skills to Jimmy Fallon - 2014- NBC - All Rights Reserved

He has to learn to relax, not feel insecure or worry about potential endings.

If Ben has been able to open up about his inner feeling and share his deepest innermost feelings with his love, he can avoid being manipulative or expressing jealousy, possessiveness or laying guilt trips on his beloved.

With his strong Scorpio and water energy he absolutely needs to transition to a higher place where he makes peace with his deep emotional nature.

Ben Affleck - Learning To Balance His Fear Of Loss

It would serve Ben well if he can avoid throwing his personal power around which could result in breakups which be extremely painful and dramatic for him to navigate.

The reason he has struggled with past loves may be due to the fact he attracted those relationships due to his own lack of self love.

Hopefully as his life has progressed Ben has learned  it's only through painful relationships that he has been able to gain self-awareness of any of his own manipulative of controlling behaviors.

Pain Offers Opportunity For Growth

If Ben has learned to use his own immense power to positively transform how he gives and receives love and has achieved a deeper understanding of his own needs, he may be ready to have the love of his life he's always dream of having.

Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - With Ex-Wife Jennifer Garner in 2013 Astrological Secrets Of Bennifer 2021 - Ben Affleck - With Ex-Wife Jennifer Garner in 2013 - Image -

The process Ben has experienced with losing love in his life, including Jennifer Lopez, may have been extremely painful.

Hopefully has come to realize that self-love has always been his real issue.

If Ben has learned to truly really love himself, then the unconditional love and approval he seeks is at hand.

Before he can reach the realization of his need for self-love, he may be attracted to dangerous partners or those who treat him badly.

Ben Affleck Never Stopped Loving Jennifer Lopez

Ben Affleck is an enigma who's struggled with deeply painful life lessons involving abandonment, an alcoholic parent, history of lost loves, addictions, financial loss and an array of personal demons.

A true romantic who hides his soft, loving, home-loving side, when Ben loves someone with his entire being, he never stops loving them.

Indeed, even after his sad break-up with Jennifer Lopez, he always spoke of her in glowing terms.

Is Jennifer Lopez his true soulmate?  Very possibly.  Can they make their relationship work this time around?

Only if both people have learned and transformed through almost their twenty years apart.  Sometimes when people met the timing is off and they still have lots of hard lessons ahead of them.  Maybe because a lot of time has passed, they may realize how much they've lost not being together.

Or not.  Only time and the planets will tell.

Schedule An Astrology Reading

Would you like to find out about your own astrological chart or astrological love life?  Click on the link to schedule an astrology reading with Karen Maire Shelton

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