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Isaiah "Old Spice" Mustafa Drinking Jack Daniel Shots With Sofia Vergara and Bethanny Frankel

Isaiah Mustafa has come a long way from the Old Spice commercial (see image from Ellen show of commerical on YouTube).

If you're a fan of Ellen Degeneres you probably remember that she, like Oprah, fell in love with Isaiah's commercial.  Ellen had Isaiah as a guest on her show (March 11, 2010) and has been a big fan and supporter of his career.

It's no surprise, Ellen has a way of finding up and comers and helping them by giving them a big push in the right direction.

At Ellen's post VMA show she had Isaiah on as her second guest after Justin Timberlake, but before Lady Gaga (wearing her meat gown).

The reason for Mustafa's appearance on Ellen?  She asked him to be her Carpet Ambassador doing interviews of some of Ellen's long time celebrity guests and fans.  Ellen pointed out that the carpet was white instead of red and obviously Mustafa dressed it up as her ambassador.

When Mustafa appeared on the stage Ellen welcomed him with a hug and told him "you look very very handsome whether you're on a horse or not."  Mustafa was gracious and told her "thank you, I think we had the same stylist."

Ellen asked the Old Spice TV hawker if he had fun (out on the arrival carpet).  He said "Oh I had a blast.  It was a great time out there.  I was in the shade, the carpet was white and not red, it was amazing".

Then Ellen proceeded to show clips of Mustafa, rocking a dark suit with a perfect fade and a small white Hobby horse, interviewing and chatting with many of the VMA celebrity arrivals including Sofia Vergara, Bethenny Frankel, Ciara, Drake, Snooki, The Situation, Flo Rida, Kid Cudi.

One of the question Mustafa asked the VMA celebs was "can you tell me eight reasons why you love Ellen?"

Sofia Vergara gave as one reason how hilarious she was.  Ciara said "she's fly" and Snooki said "she hot, I would make out with Ellen."

Mustafa ask Sofia Vergara is she was worried about getting Justin Bieber fever since he was standing close by.  Sofia made a face and said that since Justin Bieber "is my son's age.  So I don't know, that's a little weird."

The Old Spice hottie also told some of the celebs he get's a "little uptight" at "these things" and said he likes "to loosen up" with alcohol.  He offered them shots of Jack Daniels.    Kid Cudi took a big swig with Mustafa from the Jack bottle. Mustafa said "ooohhh it's so smooth."  Also joining him for a shot was Sofia Vergara and Bethanny Frankel who said "that's delicious, I like alcohol" which was funny and so Bethanny (I love her).  Sofia tucked a little bottle of Jack into her dress and told Mustafa she was going to save it "for later."

At the end of his interview Mustafa revealed gold shorts that he was going to use as "his ticket" to get into the VMAs.

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