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Bethenny Hair Secrets

Introduction - Bethenny Hair Secrets

Bethenny Frankel - Bethenny Frankel -

Reality TV star Bethenny has recently dominated the world celebrity news due to her alleged marital problems.  The former Real Housewives of New York cast member is famous for many things including her own list of Bethenny hair secrets.

It's probably not fair to say that hair is more important to the native New Yorker than her adorable baby girl Bryn, but the topic of her hair is definitely way up there on her priority lists.  It's been discussed by Bethenny, the media and even featured on her first daytime talk show which aired in a limited trial run in the Summer of 2012.

Listed below are some of the best Bethenny hair secrets.

Bethenny Hair Secrets #1 - Fear Of Losing The Skinny Girl Ponytail

Last summer  while shooting her limited run TV Talk Show on Ellen's stage, she confessed on air to always wanting to cut her own hair shorter.  Why doesn't she wear short hair?  Secretly she worries about always having hair long enough to match the iconic Skinny Girl label which was rendered specifically to represent Bethenny.

In fact, during one of her talk shows which featured hair make-overs, Bethenny tried on a short sleek bob wig.  She admitted to celebrity hairstylist Kim Vo that she had worn her hair long and in the same style for eleven years or longer.

When Kim encouraged her to go with a much shorter bob hairstyle Bethenny expressed concern about not having enough length for that trademark Skinny Girl ponytail.

Bethenny Hair Secrets #2 - Her Daughter's Red Haired Doll Opened Up A Hair Dialogue

Bethenny Frankel With Her Trademark Long Brunette Hair Bethenny Frankel With Her Trademark Long Brunette Hair

During her opening monologue on the same hair focused talk show she told the audience about taking her daughter to a doll store.  Bethenny explained how surprised she was when her daughter picked out a red haired baby doll.  Afterall, Bryn is blonde and blue-eyed.  Bethenny had naturally assumed her daughter would want a blonde blue-eyed doll which looked like she did.

To even the playing field as well as to make sure no other variable had triggered her daugther's doll selection Bethanny picked out a range of dolls with a variety of skin and hair colors.  After lining up several dolls with a variety of hair colors and styles Brynn still picked the same red haired doll, which was christened Ginger.

The doll store experience with her daughter and the different hair colors of the dolls inspired Bethenny to dedicate a segment on her show specifically to hair.  It also gave Bethenny pause for thought regarding the important role hair plays in everyone's identity.

Bethenny Hair Secrets #3 - The Reality Star Is Not OK When She's Having A Bad Hair Day.

Bethenny's celebrity guest for the hair segment was famed colorist Kim Vo, famous for his Hollywood blondes.  Kim is also a great guy who just happens to also be a famous color expert and a past judge on a reality TV hair competition.

Bethenny told her talk show audience she receives a lot of emails from people who want help with their hair disasters.  Bethenny agreed that hair can definitely be a disaster.  She pointed out most people identify themselves with their hair and if it's a disaster, it can cause a lot of personal anguish, putting us in a bad mood.

Bethenny Frankel Pregnant & Engaged Bethenny Frankel Pregnant & Engaged

She confessed her own feelings about having a bad hair day.  She told her audience she feels fine when she's not wearing make-up, but if her hair game is OK, she feeling OK.  If not, it's not good.

Bethenny Hair Secrets #4 - The Reality Star Is Not Good At Doing Her Own Hair

Due to all of her celebrity status, Bethenny often has the luxury of having someone else do her hair for her.  She agreed her hair always looks great when someone else does her hair, but she said she's not good at doing her own hair.

In fact, back in 2007 she famously did her own hair for a Super Bowl party.  She told the media "I did my own hair and makeup that night," Frankel says. "That looks like a clip [in my hair], for God's sake: a total clip job. You know, this is my favorite one and I've got nothing on."

Bethenny explained when she does her own hair it tends to gets frizzy.  Sometimes she struggles with a hair kink in the back of her head.  She also questioned why one section of hair in the back of her head never seems to completely dry, no matter what.

The reality star and TV talk host mentioned tat it's so hard to know what to do with your hair.  Even putting it up in a ponytail can be challenging and even then, you have to worry about a line in your hair.

Bethenny Hair Secrets #5 -  She Has Her Greys Colored

Like many other people, Bethenny struggled with grey hair.  She confessed to the audience that on the morning of the show she had the greys, as she called them.  She asked Kim Vo to color them for her.  Kim expressed disbelief that Bethenny was confessing to having her grey hair, which Kim calls Mother Nature's highlights, colored.

Bethenny  explained when her greys show up, suddenly they're everywhere.  A clip showed Kim painting color onto Bethennys hair to eliminate those greys, which the talk show host said she names.

Bethenny Hair Secrets #5 -  No Hair Products

Bethenny Frankel Getting Her Make-up Applied Bethenny Frankel Getting Her Make-up Applied

The former Real Housewife, Skinnygirl entrepreneur and star of Bethenny Ever After has one well-known hair caveat: no hair products.  In a previous interview Bethenny said "I like my look to be natural and clean but glamorous".  Her secret?  Bethenny's stylist keep's her hair in a set which helps give her hair texture without using product.

In 2009 for a televised event Bethenny hair was styled in a stiff bouffant updo.  At the time she told the media "I hate this, it looks so severe and unnatural".

Bethenny Hair Secrets #6 -  The Star Is Not Immune To Overzealous Hairstylists

In 2008 the Real Housewives  star sported lustrous waves which were created on much shorter hair than normal.  In fact, the shorter hair length was definitely not intentional.  As Bethenny explained it at the time "This guy (hairstylist) just decided to take four inches off of my hair without asking. Who cuts off four to six inches without asking?"

On her Summer 2012 talk show Bethenny referenced the need to really get to know your hairstylist to avoid overzealous cutting or hair treatments which might not be what was intended.

Summary - Bethenny Hair Secrets

Throughout her life in the public eye Bethenny has appeared with a variety of hairstyles including updos, twists and cut flirty side flips or chignons.  She often wears her hair long, lush and either bone straight or full of waves and curls.  In reality, Bethenny's hair always looks amazing, no matter what she may say.

Her hair has made some major transitions, just as her career and life have since her days back at Pine Crest School in Florida where she was photographed wearing very big 80s hair.  Bethenny references her hair back in high school as "total afro hair, basically, the bigger the better."

A big fan of blow-outs, Bethenny used to "go to the Bloomingdale's Trish McEvoy counter to get my makeup done," she says. "Also, I went to The Russians, this place right next to my building where everyone is Russian, for my blowouts."   Bethenny still has blowouts on a regular basis, but now she can be found at blow dry bars where they serve her Skinny Girl concotions.

Love her or hate her, one thing is always true about Bethenny Frankel.  She's always willing to discuss topics which offer common challenges to her fans and to share her own experiences including some Bethenny hair secrets of her own.

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