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Queen Latifah Shares About Being Bullied And Big Breasts

Looking sassy with honey blonde softly waved tresses, Queen Latifah was recently on Ellen to discuss the upcoming The PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS show which will be broadcast on Wednesday, January 5, 2011 (9:00-11:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT) on the CBS Television Network. Mark Burnett returns as executive producer. The show is live and Queen Latifah is hosting the show for the fifth consecutive year in a row.

(Image of Queen Latifah - DC Media - All Rights Reserved)

After dancing with Ellen the vivacious Latifah told Ellen how excited she gets when she visits the show because afterall "it's The Ellen Show." She then congratulated Ellen on her People's Choice Award nomination for Best Talk Show Host.

Latifah told Ellen she really enjoys hosting the awards even though "it's a little nerve wrecking and you get a little nervous because you want to keep things flowing, keep them energetic but I have fun with I do it. Plus I'm a fan so I get to watch my favorite actors, my favorite musicans at a lot of these shows. I have a good time."

Even more importantly she said "it's voted on by the people so it's not like somebody is sitting there judging your work. " She paused and then shouted "It's a body of the people. It's the people." Latifah told Ellen she was shouting because she's "practicing because when you show up to EM you have to show up to work."

Latifah's Dad Taught Her To Fight At An Early Age

Ellen asked Latifah to share her voice about the currently bullying issues because Latifah "is a very strong woman" who obviously has opinions.

Latifah shared that "I was bullied a bit as a kid. And it's funny because my father taught my brother and I how to fight so early. Pretty much from birth."

Latifah said her dad was "a cop, a SWAT guy but he really taught us that you don't use violence. It was more self defense kinda things. So I never, we weren't taught to use violence as a mean to solve a situation. It was like diffuse the situation, talk through it. Not that it wasn't the way to resolve conflicts, but I feel like a lot of kids right now have to tell someone."

Kids Have To Tell Someone

Latifah said "tell someone, because when I was bullied and my brother was bullied as kids we kinda kept it to ourselves. We tried to handle it on our own and sometimes it got out of control. I remember literally having to fight with a guy who was bullying my brother because I was afraid of the guy but...and I knew my brother could whop this guy...but for some reason was afraid of him in some way. Later he whopped that guy, but that's not even what it's about."

Latifah reiterated her initial comments. She said "I think it's really about kids telling someone. Tell some adult. There has to be some way for us to intervene on behalf of our kids and protect them."

She said "kids when they're young,when they're 12, 13, 14, 15, they think everything's the end of the world and they really, their self-esteem is so highly effected by this. To consider even taking your life, to think it's the end of the world like you are so sad and you feel such despair that you want to end your life rather than live like this, you should not have to endure that alone."

Bullies Get Away With Their Behavior Because Their Parents Don't Know

Latifah continued "so I would say at least open your mouth and tell a teacher, tell a principle, tell a guidance counselor, tell that cool teacher, tell your parents, relatives, someone. Even tell a friend to tell the principle or someone. Even if you don't feel like you lose face if you tell someone yourself. You gotta get someone to help stop it."

She said "I think a lotta times kids who are bullies get away with it because no one confronts their parents. Parents have to step to other parents and say listen" and give them the scoop on what's really happening. She said the parents "gotta step in for these kids. Kids are feeling lost right now. We gotta fight for our kids. It's a shame."

Having Big Breasts Is A Good Thing

Ellen agreed with Latifah's comments who finished by saying "no child should have to lose their life over a senseless killing. And that's really the saddest thing of all. No parents have to be on TV explaining that. It does get better. It does get better. You'll make it kids."

Reflecting back to her childhood Queen Latifah said "they used to talk about my breasts being big and later I found having big breasts was a really good thing and people was paying for this."

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