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Oprah Winfrey Receives Guitar From Bono In Australia

If you're a fan of Oprah Winfrey you've been following her journey through the Land of Oz all last week.  Indeed, Oprah, Gayle and her group of lucky ultimate viewers traveled to some amazing locations in the land down under.

On her last televised date in Australia the queen of talk show, wearing her hair with a front bump and a little perky ponytail, pulled out all the stops.  Her first visit was to a U2 concert and a trip backstage to hang with Bono and the boys.

Oprah's U2 Guitar

During her pre-concert visit Oprah was gifted with a guitar.  Bono greeted Oprah with "her majestyness."  Oprah seemed overwhelmed by the greeting and said "I really can't take it".   Edge present Oprah with a guitar and said "it's from all of us."  Then Oprah walked with the band to the stage and took her place in the audience where she proceeded to enjoy her first live concert with the world famous U2 band.

Oprah, Gayle, her ultimate viewers and 70,000 people, according to Oprah "lost their minds" as U2 performed.  Bono incorporated Oprah into his lyrics "Oprah Winfrey right in front of you."

Bono Visits Oprah In Sydney

As if visiting a U2 concert wasn't enough, Bono appeared with Oprah onstage in Sydney in the famous concert hall.  Oprah told the audience "last night I said to Bono and the (U2) band I said 'this is my first concert so I'm a virgin, I'm a U2 virgin' and Bono said "don't worry, we'll take it easy with you baby.'  Bono, who was holding hands with Oprah, laughed and said "I actually said 'we won't take it easy with you.'"

Oprah told the audience that seeing U2 was so exciting for her and she thinks everyone should see U2 live in concert during their lifetime.  She told Bono "I've known you all these years and I've never saw you at work and I could not keep my mouth shut last night.  You are a rock star."  Bono seemed very modest and said "only part time."

Oprah asked Bono if "after 30 years of performing does it still fell as huge as it felt to those of us in that stadium?"  Bono said "it is an otherworldly feeling.  But to need 60,000 people screaming your name a night to feel normal.  It's probably not normal. I hope I know that, I think I know that.  But I mean, what's this like? (Oprah at the Syndey opera house).  What going on here?  Your majestyness."

Oprah mentioned "JayZ opened (U2's show) last night and had the crowd going crazy.  How did you two powerhouses get together?" Bono said "He's just come on the road because he wants to meet Australia and he thought U2 could introduce him to Australia."

Bono On Broadway

Oprah then told the crowd "Bono is now taking his turn on Broadway. The musical Spiderman is playing now in New York City.  And Bono and U2's greatest guitarist in the world, Edge, did all that music. I got a sneak preview in November."  Oprah asked Bono "is the creative process different when you're working on a musical than if you're just writing songs for yourself?"

The key was trying to relevant and the key to trying to keep things fresh for yourself is do things that you don't know how to do.  For me and Edge to go to Broadway, we thought 'well, that's going to be a very fresh experience for us.'  And we thought "if we're going, lets create something no one else has ever seen or heard before."

Oprah asked Bono about a quote he made to a Melbourne newspaper where he said "being successful is easier than being relevant."  Bono told Oprah "you know, we've been doing this for awhile and when you do it for awhile you've got to ask some questions.  Do people really need another U2 album?  You know, there's a couple hundred million in that there."

He continued "at some point maybe people will say no.  But I think you've got to ask that question. And to answer that question you have to dig very deep when you go into the studio. And you have to try and surprise yourself first.  And if you do that I think you can surprise your audience. And that's what keeps you relevant.  But that's not a given.  We don't expect that just by showing up for work it's enough.  We do not take this treatment we've had, ourselves, in Australia for granted, I promise you."

Bono Putting His Sunglasses Away

Oprah said "U2 has been touring for 30 years.  Do you ever think about putting away the sunglasses and doing something else? Hanging up the leather jacket and doing something else?"

She told the audience that "that day that I announced to the world that I was going to be ending the show Gayle said she ran into you someplace and she was saying 'oh its so sad, Oprah's going to be leaving' and you said 'no man, it's the greatest.'

Oprah asked Bono why he said that about her leaving her show after 25 years.  Bono said "It's a pause.  You're pressing pause.  You're right, you're in the United States, your in the spotlight.  You're the blinking queen for goodness sakes.  I think you deserve a moment out of the spotlight to come back even more extraordinary than now, if that's possible."

Bono's Sunglasses Equals His Superpowers

He continued "but with regards my sunglasses. I can hand in the leather jacket, but you see, these (my sunglasses) are my super powers.  I would lose my super powers.  Because when I look through these glasses, every problem is solvale. I'm tall..eeehhhh.  I can't let them go.

Oprah reminded Bono that he looked mesmerizing on the stage and wanted to know how it feels "up there" and does it look as great as it does "on the LED wall?"

Bono paused and said "I feel, out of my body. That is the feeling.  And Edge, Larry and Adam, its the same.  It's a corny word but it's not a corny word.  But there is a kind of blessing that you feel.  Just to follow this thing.  It's been the greatest, the greatest, greatest priviledge, yeah."

Bono left at that point because "60,000 people were waiting for him".  Bono said "we're going to tune in" to her show.

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