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Lauren Conrad 18 Inch Taped Hair Extensions

Lauren Conrad Long Hair Taped Extensions

Lauren Conrad 18 Inch Taped Hair Extensions

Lauren Conrad (LC) loves to change up her hair by transitioning through an array of dramatic lengths, colors, textures and hairstyles.

To achieve her constantly changing hairstyles LC wears an array of hair extensions which dates back to her time on MTV's "The Hills."

On July 19th of 2011 Lauren appeared at the HTC Hosts the "HTC Status Social" in Los Angeles with very long hair extensions highlighted with an array of light turquoise blue strands.

On November 9th the reality TV star, author and fashion designer appeared with her hair infused with waves, but several inches shorter than at the July 19th event.  The blue highlights were no longer visible.

Did LC get her hair cut?  It's unlikely.

It's most likely she had her longtime hairstylist Kristin Ess of Warren-Tricomi salon in LA shorten the hair extensions she regularly wears.

Although many people know Lauren loves to wear her hair long and lush, many of LC's fans have no clue she even wears hair extensions.  

Lauren Conrad With Shorter Ombre Hairstyle On November 9th

Very Realistic Mixing Of Types & Textures

Why are so many of LC's fans unaware of her hair extensions?  Other than her recent use of light turquoise blue strands, she wears the most natural and undetectable hair extensions available.

The secret to her natural looking extensions?  A  mixture of hair from Europe as well as Asia.

Why does LC's hair stylist mix and match human hair from different countries?  To achieve the most realistic and natural mix of hair types and textures which most real hair consists of normally.

Importance Of Color Matching

Kristen color-matches the 100% human hair to Lauren's hair so that it's a perfect match.  She believes if the color match between Lauren's natural hair and the extension hair is even a half of shade off, it will be obvious the extensions are fake.

At her November 9th appearance Lauren showcased dramatic Ombré (Ohm-bre) hair color with darker roots and lighter ends.

Using Tape As The Attachment Method

Although a majority of celebrities favor fusion style extensions (sew ins, glue, beads or similar) Kristin and Lauren both agreed that applying the 18-in hair extensions the traditional attachment way took too much time.

Lauren Conrad With Very Long Hair Extensions in 2010

Applying 18-inch extensions, which are the longest lengths currently available, generally takes up to 6 hours for application.  This is true of either long weft sections or individual strands.

Lauren loves the super long extensions because she feels most comfortable when her hair is long, lush and pretty.  That's her trademark and that's what she likes.  LC just doesn't like how much time it takes to have them applied or removed.

Waterproof Medical Grade Tape

To streamline the attachment process Kristin utilizes a waterproof medical grade tape which adheres the extensions to Lauren's natural strands.  She also applies the extensions in a weft pattern, sealing the tape with very low heat.

Kristin reports that a set of taped hair extensions last for Lauren from 3 to 8 months, depending upon the amount of heat styling she does.

Lauren may come in for a slight adjustment as her natural hair grows out from the root to make sure the wefts are properly positioned against her own hair.

The adjustment process may take up to two hours since a special remover must be applied to loosen the tape so that it can be refreshed or replaced.

The taped extensions also allows her to alter her look much faster than if the attachment process took the standard 6 hours.

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