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Emma Watson Transition From Poofy Haired To Glam Babe

Emma Watson As Hermione

Emma Watson Transition From Poofy Haired To Glam Babe

Emma Watson is famous for being the sassiest witch in all of Hogwarts.

Throughout the course of the Harry Potter movies, Emma's character, Hermione, grew up and transformed from a poofy-haired brainiac to the gorgeous belle of the Yule Ball right before the eyes of the millions of fans and movie goers.

Off-screen Emma Watson has also transformed into a fashion icon, glam tressed brunette babe and major commercial property.  She has become a darling of the media.

The frizzy hair little Emma has grown up into the latest "It Girl."

One of the most obvious transformations occurred during Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix (out in July, 2007) which was the fifth installment of the series.

During the course of the film when an evil new teacher arrives at Hogwarts Hermione matures into a confident, take-charge young woman.

Emma Watson pictured at the North American Premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 at Avery Fisher Hall in New York City on July 11, 2011

A Bit Of A Feminist

Emma told the media "Hermione's forced to take things on for herself and have her own initiative.  I love that she's a bit of a feminist.  It's normally her dragging the guys off into the mischief they get into!"

In the August 2007 CosmoGirl issue Emma shared some secrets about her life starting with the fact she has private collections of quirky things like a set of Russian dolls from places she's been to, all around the world.

Emma also has a room full of cards she's been keeping from all the people who send them to her.  She reported "I have a whole wall covered with them.  So my room's quite full and messy!"

Girlie Girl Mixed With One Part Tomboy

Although you might think she's more of a tomboy because of her role in Potter, but she confesses to be a mix of girlie girl and tomboy together.

She told CosmoGirl "I can be a bit of a boy when I'm with boys.  I get combative.  But I also love fashion and makeup.  I don't have make-up on all the time, but when I want, I have fun with my friends choosing clothes and putting nail polish on."

Emma Watson As A Young Hermione

When it comes to Holidays, Halloween is her favorite holiday because of all the holidays "it's more fun."

She said "I like dressing up - once I was a pumpkin!"But she's not as fond of Valentine's Day because she finds it "quite stressful" and "there are such high expectations."

Quidditch Versus Soccer

When asked which sport she preferred - quidditch or soccer -  Emma said she preferred quidditch because "there's more going on and it's juicy!"

She explained "I'm really competitive.  Field hockey is my strongest sport.  If I lose a game, I take a long, hot bath and moan about it."

But don't expect Emma to lie around at the beach feeling sorry for herself.  She confessed she doesn't really like the beach because "I can't lie still long.  I must do something."

She'd really rather go skiing, if she had the choice.

Emma Watson With Blonde Hair In French Twist

Hermione's Magical Powers

If Emma had Hermione's magical powers in real life, what would she like it to be?

She's said "I've always envied Hermione's Time Turner power and would love to be able to stop time - just take a break and come back into it."

Emma said "my life's just mad.  I love to cram as much as I possibly can into every single day!"

Watching Emma grow up over a period of 10 years has been both inspiring and endearing.

What do you think?  Did you have a favorite Potter film that Emma appeared in?

Do you love her short hair now or did you prefer when it was longer?

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