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Long Hair Style Of Paris Jackson

Paris Jackson Long Hair Style

Long Hair Style Of Paris Jackson

Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson (born 1998) is the daughter of pop icon Michael Jackson. Paris Jackson appeared at her father's memorial at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, where she openly wept for her father near the end of the service.

Due to a no-show of Lindsay Lohan on Ellen's daytime show this week, Paris Jackson was rotated into the interview spot as a delightful replacement.

The tall beautiful teen appeared on stage dancing and looking lovely with her long chocolate brown hair styled in soft beachy waves and studded with bubblegum pink accent strands.  She wore a chic black hat to top off her look.  Her hair appears to be almost waist length.

Creating Her Own Dance Moves

Paris told Ellen the dance she did when she hit the stage is her own private dance called The Trillion which she created with her  19 year old cousin.  Paris told Ellen she tried to get her softball team to do her dance, which is like The Dougie but they were having none of it.

Ellen asked Paris if she was nervous in her very first solo TV appearance.  Paris admitted she was but her two beloved brother, Prince and Blanket were in the audience to show their love and support and that was comforting to her.  Ellen made a point of introducing Prince and Blanket who both waved and nodded.

Paris Jackson And Two Brothers

First Acting Role

The reason for showing up on Ellen's show?  Paris has just nabbed her first acting role.  Paris confided she's wanted to act since she was very little girl and knew that her father had done acting.  She explained that she and Prince used to do improv with their famous dad.

Although she admitted she can sing a little bit she told Ellen she's "no Beyonce."  Ellen asked Paris if she was worried that she would be judged according to Michael's talent.

Paris told Ellen she knows she will be compared to her famous father in her acting career, but she's going to just be herself and hope she's judged just for herself.  She said "it's me" and she has to be who she is.

Back Up Career

If her desire to be an actress doesn't work out Paris has a back-up career in mind.  She loves kids and wants to be a paid babysitter.  Paris is very close to many of her cousins who are not having babies.  She said she loves the little kids the best.

She said she really wants to take care of "the little babies that were just born recently."  Ellen asked Paris if she would be allowed to babysit the little babies and she admitted "I don't know."

Her hourly rate?  Paris would love to be paid $10/hour for her babysitting skills.  Apparently this is the going rate for babysitting.

Paris Jackson

Loving School

Paris was very sweet in her interview and told Ellen she has a "very regular childhood" and she believes she's treated like everyone else.

She confessed that she loves going to regular school rather than being homeschooled.  Paris told Ellen she was excited for the opportunity of attending regular school as an unknown rather than as Michael Jackson's child.  She was home schooled for quite some time before attending school.

The Scoop Behind The Childhood Masks

Any big reveals on Ellen from Paris?  She told Ellen she thought the masks she had to wear as a child were "stupid", but she understood that her dad just wanted to protect her and his kids.  Paris told Ellen that her dad had explained why he wanted them to wear masks to protect their identity and keep them safe.

Michael Jackson Music Legacy

Ellen asked Paris if she realized that her dad was Michael Jackson when she was growing up.  She said when she was really little she figured her dad "had a few songs out, but she figured everyone did that."  She wasn't that impressed at the time as a child.

Paris told Ellen now she knows all of her dad's "songs by heart" and is a very big music fan.  She said "99% of my brain is his music."  She also loves Chris Brown, Miles Behavior, Rihanna, Cold Play.  She has several different categories of music she loves to listens to.

Ellen teased her and told her she was predicting that some day Paris would get more into the music world.

What Michael Jackson Told Paris

Paris told Ellen that the most memorable thing her father told her was "if I die tomorrow always remember what I told you" and she told Ellen she taken his advice and done that.

Ellen told Paris she was an amazing young girl and presented her with a few gifts including a chair for her to sit in during her first acting job.

Meanwhile here's hoping she continued to showcase her beautiful and shiny brunette hair with a long lush hair styles.

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