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Blonde Hair Equals Instant Confidence

Blonde Hair Equals Instant Confidence

The Bob Haircut Meets A Shag Hairstyle The Bob Haircut Meets A Shag Hairstyle

Dr. Mark Sergeant, Ph.D. authored a research study at UK's Nottingham Trent University. Based on Sergeant's study blonde hair equals instant confidence.

Whether you opt for just a few well-placed highlights or go with a total root to end blonding, going blonde amps up anyone's confidence level.

It also provides the overall satisfaction with life.

Why does going blonde add a higher level of satisfaction and confidence. According to Sergeant, the Hollywood blonde connection has deep roots.

Blonde icons such as Marilyn Monroe, Jaynes Mansfield, Carole Lombard and Jean Harlow have made blonde hair synonymous with glamor and attractiveness.

Going blonde provides instant reinvention, leading to that instant kick of confidence which allows you to take risks and be bolder.

Transitioning to blonde offers a great confidence boost, but it's a major time and financial commitment. If the thought of going with a full blonde look would be a budget buster, you can get the same results with just a few well-place blonde highlights around the hairline.

Blonde Long Bob - LOB - With Straight Side-Swept Fringe Blonde Long Bob - LOB - With Straight Side-Swept Fringe

You can also test the concept with some strategically added  blonde fusion or clip-in hair extensions. Or you can opt for a beautiful lace-front blonde wig. There are many options you can investigate.

Add Red To Maximize Blonde Hair Confidence Blast

Although blondes looks spectacular in black because of the instant contrast, studies have shown red is the most vibrant color of all.

Research has shown red helps you look and feel powerful. It also has been proven to make you feel proud.  When other people perceive you as powerful, you naturally sense their reaction. As a result, you start to embrace those feelings.

Studies have also shown the color red triggers the release of epinephrine and adrenaline, energizing hormones which make your heart beat faster and even rev your libido!

Red foods contain lots of lycopene, which Texas A&M scientists call "natural Viagra!"

It puts you "in the mood" by relaxing blood vessels and upping levels of nitric acid in the blood.

blondes3_250h Platinum Blonde -

It also protects your heart, the ultimate symbol of love, by halving the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Amp Up The Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy experts say the sweet fragrance of rose is sure to elevate your spirits and help you love yourself more.

That's because it activates receptors in your brain responsible for positive thoughts and emotions.

To enjoy the benefit, add a few drops of rose essential oil in health food stores to your next bath.

The delightful scent of  roses tames stress and anxiety. Rose oil derives from roses which are a strong symbol of romance and fidelity.  It has a positive effect on moods.

Summary - Blonde Hair Equals Instant Confidence

Studies have shown that the simple act of changing your hair color to blonde can instantly amp up your level of confidence.

Want to maximize the benefits of going blonde? Wear a sexy red dress and either bathe in rose oil or dab a diluted version on your wrists.  You'll look amazing and be flying high with self confidence and energy.

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