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More Hair Is More Money

Introduction - More Hair Equals More Money

Jason Alexander With Hair Piece Covering Bald Head - HBO - Bill Maher Jason Alexander With Hair Piece Covering Bald Head

A study from the University of Texas found that men considered better than average looking rake in salaries five percent higher than their less attractive, equally qualified competitors.   In fact, having more hair is more money to men in the working world.

While it's long been accepted that hair loss in men is one of the most notorious causes of embarrassment and diminished sexiness, the University of Texas study examines the effect that a man’s appearance has on his career – leading to a clear connection between good looks and the presence of a healthy head of hair.

In these troubling economic times, Americans are taking countless steps to protect their positions and many are drawn to hair restoration services.  They understand that more hair is more money.

With options like genetic tests, eyebrow transplants and hairline transplants, Bosley, the nation's largest hair restoration center, can accommodate anyone’s needs. Bosley helps both men and women solve their hair loss problems.  Bosley understands more hair is more money.

University of Texas Study - More Hair Is More Money

Does having more hair guarantee you a better paycheck? At the University of Texas, after considering variables such as education and experience, a recent study found that people with below-average looks earned nine percent less, and a better-than-average looking person earned five percent more than an individual with average looks.

Jason Alexander Without Hair Piece Jason Alexander Without Hair Piece

A couple of power suits aren’t enough to move ahead in business these days.  Men have already realized cosmetic enhancements can give that extra competitive edge in the corporate world, because often the way you look affects the confidence and energy you exude.

In essence it pays to look good.  Having more hair is more money.  Working professionals understand that having cosmetic procedures will help to advance their careers.

Baldness Is Number One Appearance Complaint Of Men

Above all other cosmetic issues, baldness is the number one complaint of men regarding their appearance and the biggest detraction from attractiveness and youthful vigor. Hair restoration tops the list of preferred cosmetic procedures, along with liposuction, rhinoplasty, and eyelid surgery.

The American Academy of Dermatology states that 50% of men suffer from some degree of male pattern baldness. The psychology behind the baldness syndrome is lack of self-esteem and a negative self image that stems from the association of hair loss and aging.

A bald spot is seen as an undesirable asset in the climb up the corporate ladder, where a youthful appearance is synonymous with energy and vigor.  The same can be said in the celebrity world.

Jason Alexander - More Hair Is More Money Jason Alexander - More Hair Is More Money

Actor Jason Alexander recently announced to the media that he was now wearing an excellent semi-permanent hair piece to cover his baldness and improve his appearance.  In a recent release to the media the actor talked about what it was like to be a bald man and why he turned to Farrell Hair Replacement for his new look.

Power Of A Good Appearance Confirms More Hair Is More Money

The power of a good appearance goes beyond good skin, a trim body and a full head of hair. Physical stature is apparently an important factor as well. The author of “Blink: the power of Thinking Without Thinking,”

Malcolm Gladwell polled about half of the Fortune 500 companies and among the CEO’s, 58% were 6 feet or over. Apparently size does matter, at least in the height of a top executive.

Physical Attractiveness Phenomenon

Gordon Patzer, who is a professor at Roosevelt University, has studied the “physical attractiveness phenomenon” for more than 30 years and is the author of {{asin=0814480543,text=Looks: Why They Matter More Than You Ever Imagine}}.

Minoxidil Extra Strength For Men Minoxidil Extra Strength For Men

In his book, Patzer states, “better-looking people not only earn more, they are also more likely to be hired and to be promoted.  Again, this confirms the theory of more hair more money.

Many health and beauty aid companies are now targeting men with their vast array of products, such as volumizing shampoos and conditioners. Medical treatments such as Propecia and {{asin=B000TYXJCI,text=Procerin Tablets for Men, 90 -Tablets}} are extremely popular.

Cosmetic Surgery & Topical Minoxidil

Cosmetic surgery is a solution to hair loss and is also on an upswing.

Topical hair loss treatments such as {{asin=B002VLZHLI,text=Kirkland Minoxidil 5% Extra Strength Hair Regrowth for Men, 6 Month Supply}} are selling better than ever.

Medical practices such as Bosley, the largest hair restoration company in the U.S., are reporting an increase in requests for surgical hair transplantation in the thirty to forty age ranges.

According to, the economic belt-tightening hasn’t slowed down the cosmetic surgery market. Anthony Vendetti, an analyst for Maxim Group stated, “If [consumers] aren’t feeling good about their finances and the economy, they’ll want to feel good about how they look.”

The Hairmax Lasercomb - More Hair Is More Money

HairMax LaserComb HairMax LaserComb

The {{asin=B000C9M0UW,text=HairMax LaserComb}} is another great tool for the regrowth of hair in men with male pattern baldness.   Hairmax is currently the only home laser system certified by the FDA and one of only three hair loss options available to consumers with FDA-backing.

“I had my hair restored with hair transplantation at Bosley for two reasons, “says Howard Lapidis, Seafood Broker from Minneapolis. The first was personal. “When my hair started thinning, it made me look and feel older than I really was. I wanted to turn back the clock and maintain a youthful appearance.

The second reason was professional.  Having my own business, and interacting with high-level buyers, I felt I needed every advantage I could get.”  Another link to more hair is more money.

Hair Restoration Is Always Popular - Even During Economic Recessions

John Ohanesian, President and CEO of Bosley, the country’s largest cosmetic surgery hair loss practice, sums it up, “Bosley has been a leader in hair transplantation surgery for over 30 years. In that time we have experienced several economic recessions and hair restoration holds up very well during times of financial concern. Both men and women understand how important it is to look and feel as good as they can, whether they are performing on the job, or out looking for one.”

Hair restoration, among other cosmetic procedures available, is a good business investment these days for ambitious people who not only want to get ahead in their careers, but also to just get hired!

HairMax LaserComb Premium Model HairMax LaserComb Premium Model

About Bosley

Bosley enters its 38th year in surgical hair transplantation in 2008 with over 200,000 procedures performed since 1974—the world’s most experienced hair restoration expert. Bosley advanced many of the artistic techniques used worldwide today to achieve natural results under the leadership of hair restoration pioneer L. Lee Bosley, M.D.

There are eighty-five locations throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico.   For more information visit Bosley at:

About the HairMax LaserComb®

The {{asin=B003JVJGSY, text=HairMax LaserComb Premium}} ranges in cost from approximately $250 to $545 and comes with a good-for-life purchase. It also comes with a money-back guarantee if users are not satisfied with the results within 20 weeks.

After years of stringent testing and research the FDA Cleared the {{asin=B003JVJGSY,text=HairMax LaserComb Premium}}

for the ‘Promotion of Hair Growth in men’ distinguishing the {{asin=B000C9M0UW,text=HairMax LaserComb}} as the world’s first ever at-home device to earn this incredible claim. A study establishing the efficacy of the {{asin=B000C9M0UW,text=HairMax LaserComb}} in women is currently underway and will be reported soon.

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