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Rat Ronnie Is Sore Loser On Big Brother 11 - Calls Michelle Worst Human Being Ever

In case you're not actively following Big Brother 11 and care about the reality show set in a closed house environment, Ronnie found himself in a world of hurt playing one House Guest off against the others and getting caught red handed.

(Image - Ronnie Becomes the Fourth House Guest To Be Evicted From The "BIG BROTHER" House on Thursday, August 6.  Photo: Best possible screen grab/CBS©2009 CBS Broadcasting Inc., - All Rights Reserved).

Alliance To Rid The House Of Ronnie The Rat

Once it became clear that Ronnie was bad mouthing Russell and trying to blame his actions on Michelle, an alliance was formed by Russell, Jeff, Jordan and Michelle to rid the house of Ronnie The Rat, as Russell called him.

When Russell and Jeff were originally competing to be Head of House which has the right to put up two House Guests for eviction, Russell and Jeff agreed to let Russell be Head of House with Russell's promise to Jeff to evict Ronnie.

Russell Honored His Word To Jeff To Nominate Ronnie

True to his word, Russell nominated Ronnie and Lydia, a basic floater, for eviction.  Michelle, who had her own axe to grind with Ronnie, won the Power of Veto competition.

(Image of Russell and Ronnie in Big Brother House 11 - CBS - All Rights Reserved).

Owning the Power of Veto (POV) would have allowed Michelle to save Ronnie and allow Russell to backdoor another House Guest for eviction.

Unknown to Ronnie, Russell recruited Michelle to his newly formed Jeff and Jordan power alliance and she abstained from using her veto power on either Ronnie or Lydia.

Power Of Coup d'Etat To Jeff

Even though it looked like Ronnie was definitely going home, he held onto the hope that he would win America's power of Coup d'Etat which would save him.  Ultimately America gave the power to Jeff which is whom I actually voted for to win the power.  Good job America.  Jeff is awesome in my humble opinion.

At the beginning of Episode 13 Ronnie said, about Michelle after she didn't save him with her Power Of Veto "she has no loyalty to anyone but herself."  Well duh.  Ronnie tried to sabotage Michelle on every turn.  What did he expect anyway?

Russell's Emotions & Paranoid Feelings Explode

Meanwhile Russell is getting increasingly paranoid.  Michelle was hanging out with Russ on his bed and Michelle told him that Chima wanted Russell out.  Which of course freaked Russ out.  Michelle also told Russell that Chima said he was a liar.

(Image of Ronnie in Big Brother House 11 - CBS - All Rights Reserved).

Russ got upset because Michelle told him Chima wanted to backdoor him.  He felt Chima was jealous because he was talking to other girls.  When Russ confronted Jessie about Chima wanting to backdoor him.  Jessie swore that Chima never said she wanted to backdoor him.

Russ got even more paranoid because Jessie said Chima never wanted to backdoor Russ.  It because a she said, he said, she said.   Russell confronted Chima about what Michelle said which was that Chima wanted Russell out.

(Image of Ronnie having a meltdown in Big Brother House 11 - CBS - All Rights Reserved).

Russell then had a confrontation with Chima and Michelle.  Chima denied everything which put Michelle on the defensive.  The newly formed alliance of Russ and Michelle was ripped apart by Chima.

Ultimately Russell, Chima and Michelle had a meltdown screaming fest.

Ronnie Targets Jordan For Sympathy Vote

Ronnie went around the house trying to "lay it on thick enough that Jordan would throw him the sympathy vote."  Ronnie said he accepted that he might be going home.  Ronnie told Jessie he was going to keep working it and not give up.  He also said he thought Jordan hated what he did in the game but not him personally.

Ronnie decided to dog Jordan hoping for that sympathy vote.  In an attempt to make a plea to Jordan he went into the room where Jeff and Jordan were making out and kissing.  He got into the bed next to Jordan and Jeff and started farting.  He campaigned Jordan on and on.  Jeff was amused but also annoyed that Ronnie was interrupting his chances of kissing Jordan.

Ronnie Attacks Michelle In His Final Speech Before Eviction Voting

During his last chance to plead his case he said "first off I want to say a big thank you to anyone and everyone for getting me inside this house.  Being in this house has been an absolute dream come true for me on so many levels.  I tried for so long and so hard."

He also thanked Jessie for helping him lose 20 pounds.  He also said that everyone should vote according to how it would best help them get to the end of the competition.  And sometimes you have to take a chance.

(Image of Ronnie hanging in the kitchen in Big Brother House 11 - with Chima and Natalie - CBS - All Rights Reserved).

Ronnie also said if it's him that gets evicted he understood because "its just a game."  He also said his wife has always taught him to look for the good in everyone and that there is so much good in everyone" in the house....except for Michelle.

Ronnie Calls Michelle Worst Human Being He Ever Had The Misfortune Of Meeting

Ronnie literally attacked Michelle even before the vote was to happen which seemed foolhardy in some respects since you never know until the very end what can happen with the voting.   He also said he wanted to tell the real truth about Michelle but decided to be nice.  Ronnie said Michelle was "the worst human being" he ever had the misfortune of meeting and "I absolutely feel sorry for you."

Ronnie Gets Evicted

Kevin voted to evict Ronnie over Lydia.  Natalie has made no secret of her hatred of Lydia.  Natalie voted to evict Lydia.  Chima has been pressured to evict Ronnie by Russell however, as Julie Chen pointed out, Chima always follows her own heart and definitely wants Lydia out.  Therefore, she voted to evict Lydia.

Jessie has tried to keep his dedication to Ronnie a secret.  He voted to evict Lydia.  Michelle has been a wild card and after Ronnie calling her out on TV she voted to evict Ronnie.    Jeff also voted to evict Ronnie as did Jordan.  The vote was tied until Jordan voted.  She of course followed Jeff and Russ and voted to evict Ronnie.

Ronnie's Post-Eviction Interview

As he was leaving the house he said good-bye to everyone except Michelle.  He refused to hug her or say good-bye at all.  Ronnie kept saying as he was leaving "it's just a game" and "no hard feelings" when "Michelle said I never had any bad will towards you."  Ronnie said as he pointed to her "andddddd you be quiet" and he walked through the door.

Interview With Julie Chen

The minuted he met Julie he told her how beautiful she was.  Julie said "you went off on Michelle when you were supposed to be doing your plea speech and being nice".

Ronnie laughed as if his vicious verbal attack was funny. He explained himself by saying "Michelle through her actions showed me as well as Natalie, Jessie and Chima she had no absolute loyalty to anyone in that house other than her...."  He continued "I made the huge miscalculation of trusting her last week and thinking she was in my alliance but she absolutely flipped on me the moment that I was nominated."

Julie pointed out that maybe Michelle was "but was she just playing the game" and could the same words Ronnie said about Michelle be directed at Ronnie?"  Good point Julie.  I totally agree.

Ronnie agreed "they could ultimately somewaht be said as true of me....except the difference between myself and Michelle is that I ultimately had loyalty to Jessie, Natalie and Chima and no matter what I was going to stay true to them, ironically enough Russell is included in that, but Michelle would ultimately have betrayed everyone".

Julie pointed out that Ronnie tried to intimidate Michelle into voting for Ronnie.  He agreed that was true and that it was a last ditch effort.  He admitted he did try and put the "vise on her" and "squeeze a vote out of her."

Michelle Told Ronnie She Hated Him

When Michelle taped her good-by message to Ronnie she said "Ronnie I hate you, you've lied to me, you've manipulated me, backstabbed me over and over...get the heck out the door you dork."

Hurrah for Michelle.  Ronnie tried to put his very first vote onto Michelle and he constantly talked behind her back and tried to manipulate her.

My take on Ronnie The Rat?  He went off on Michelle because he couldn't control her, beat her or ultimately manipulate her.  Kevin made a good point about Ronnie probably hating that he was first to be evicted over Kevin, Lydia and others in the house Ronnie considered not as smart as him.

Ultimately thoughts about Ronnie?  Not only was he a lying, cheating and manipulating rat, he was a rotten sore loser and looked like a major ass by going off on Michelle on TV.  If I was not a Michelle fan before, I felt bad for her and now have more sympathy for her because of Ronnie being such a major jerk

Most people will see Ronnie as a sore loser and a liar, cheat and jerk to everyone in the game.  One time a wise manager of mine said to me "be nice to those on the way up the ladder because you might see them on your way down."

Please let me know your thoughts about Ronnie.  Was it his time to go?  Was he really a big Rat?  Did Michelle deserve Ronnie tongue lashing?  I would love to hear your feedback.  Please post your thoughts.

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